Fairly early in our work with Equine Assisted Learning, we discovered the
close correlation between business relationships and the roles of horse, driver,
harness, and carriage. While being involved in the sport of carriage driving,
we became aware that many aspects of corporate structures, management
dynamics as well as personal and team relationships parallel aspects
of carriage driving. For example, the roles of a horse and driver can be
comparable to the roles appearing in professional work settings, i.e. workforce
and leadership. Likewise, the functions of harness and carriage parts can be
compared to various functions of people and teams in business models.
Analyzing the characteristics and inter-relatedness of the horse, driver,
harness, and carriage can yield profound insights into the nature
of professional relationships and the impact on business success.
In this manual, we will show characteristics of harness and carriage parts.
We will then demonstrate how to draw on some of the parallels between each
specific harness and carriage component and the working parts of a business.
Through working with the horse and carriage, clients can become more aware
of how they will have a greater chance for success when communication is
clear, staff are well-trained, and equipment is in good working order.