Happy Puppy Box Set (4 in 1) Included Books
Puppy Care: How to Choose & Raise a Healthy and Happy Puppy Puppy Training: Complete Guide to Housebreaking Your Puppy, Crate Training, Obedience Training and Behavior Training Dog Food Recipes: Healthy and Easy Homemade Meals and Treats for Your Best Friend Essential Oils for Dogs: How to Use Essential Oils to Heal Common Canine Ailments and Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy A new puppy brings joy and wonderful companionship to you and your family. Once you add this bundle of energetic fur and fuzz to your family, you'll find that you have extra reasons to be playful. It's not all cuddles and games of fetch, however. Puppies need plenty of attention and your puppy will be counting on you to show him how to live in the world.
This comprehensive box set features the best methods and step-by-step instructions on how to care for and train a new puppy. You will learn:
- How to choose the puppy that is right for you and yours
- Puppy-proofing your home
- Basic care and feeding
- Crate training and potty training
- Obedience training for puppies
- How to stop destructive behaviors
Many dog owners are making the switch from commercial dog food to homemade dog food due to safety and nutritional concerns. By reading this box set you'll also learn:
- What you should feed your dog
- The types of food to avoid and the ingredients to use in moderation
- Quick and easy recipes for dog meals, treats, jerks and chews
Essential oils are natural oils extracted from plants. Recently, essential oils have started to gain popularity for use with pets. In the box set, you will discover:
- The best essentials oils to use on dogs
- What essentials oils should be avoided
- How to prepare and apply essential oils on your dog
- Effective essential oil recipes to treat fleas, anxiety, arthritis and other common canine ailments
and many more!
These informative books will help you keep your dog healthy and happy, so that you can spend more time enjoying his loyal companionship.
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