If you have a handmade business and sell online, at craft fairs and pop-up venues, this planner for 2020 is a helpful aid. The planner makes it easier to stay organized, keep track of inventory, sales, and expenditures, and plan ahead for booking dates at shows and fairs.
The Handmade Business and Craft Fair Planner was created by home-based artisans and crafters experienced in selling at large and small venues, online, and at outdoor art and craft markets, and share tips on getting started, how to find venues, and helpful checklists for preparing for selling at shows and craft fairs.
The At a Glance calendar lets you circle booked dates and provides a quick reference for the year,
The Monthly calendar is perfect for penciling in potential and confirmed venues and appointments, with room for short notes. It makes planning out the year easier.
A Weekly calendar is provided for more detailed notes, such as whether the show was profitable or not, dates, times and locations for shows, and helps prevent overlapping times on days when more than one venue is booked.
The expense, inventory and sales sheets keep track of costs, mileage and profits. It makes it easier to see what items sell the most, and which venues are profitable. It helps in deciding if a venue is worth returning to. Also useful for preparing taxes, profit and loss statements, and tracking mileage. The sheets also work for tracking online sales. The planner makes running a small business much easier and lets you focus on your crafting and creating.