text For everyone wanting to improve or change thought processes, and habits to live an exceptional life. Develop and enlarge your journal writing habit as you cultivate and strengthen your values.
This guided mediation journal is part of the Renaissance Living Guided Meditation Journal series, a companion series to the Renaissance Living 31 Days of Mindful Meditation series.
The title of each series contains the same content, but in different formats.
The Mindful Meditation series is formatted so that you can read a thought each day as you stand in line, wait for an appointment, or travel on your daily commute.
The Guided Meditation Journal series has been created with the same quotes, but with a page for you to write your thoughts on the quote, how it inspires you, how you want to Implement the concept into your life and any other thoughts you want to capture.
Before you begin, there is a page for you to capture your motivation for undertaking this 31 day meditation.
At the end of your 31 days, there is a page for you to summarize your thoughts, plans and write out your next steps.
There are additional blank and lined pages, use them whenever you need to capture thoughts, doodles or make additional notes.
For journals with unique designs and artwork, see the Journals and Notebooks series.