About the Book
The Gut-Brain Secrets series tells you precisely how gut problems (bad bacteria, poor digestion, nutrient deficiency, and leaky gut) turn into mental health conditions (Attention Deficit Disorder, autism, GAPS conditions, and anti-social behavior), as well as most chronic, degenerative diseases, and autoimmune conditions. Part 6, "Solutions to Gut-Brain Problems" helps you change course to a smarter, more legitimate road to recovery. It helps you understand the maximum amount of improvement possible and what to expect, given your condition, resources available, life situation, and level of commitment/motivation. When you've had it up to here with "one-size-fits-all" miracle diets and drugs that leave a lot to be desired, take the smarter approach: Align yourself with Nature and help the body heal itself. Get the clarity and insight you need to solve complex, multi-factorial gut-brain problems. Over-equip yourself to handle the challenges that defeat the dreams and earnest efforts of others. Be your own best health boss, starting right now.
About the Author: Randy knows way too much. He never should have been given unlimited access to all the information and experts available on the Internet to anyone with a mouse and a keyboard. And it's got be some sort of crime that anyone in the civilized world should be able to escape the effects of medical antibiotics, prescription drugs, chronic stress, cell phones, and caffeinated beverages the way he has. It's a stunning failure of a system that's been carefully constructed to create lots of problems in people's lives, so the solutions can be sold right back to them en masse. His defiance of modern health hazards could actually inspire others to do the same. Furthermore, Randy is too well-informed, too discerning, and too independent in his thinking to serve special interest groups and their dark agendas (e.g. antibiotics, GMO's and glyphosate, vaccines, EMF's, Food Pyramid, fluoridated water, prescription drugs, mercury amalgams, energy drinks, toxins everywhere, polluting fuels, cholesterol lies, and planned obsolescence). The indoctrination and pacification just doesn't seem to be working on him. Instead, Mr. Lee's awareness of the way things really are has led him to lose respect for man's science and medicine as it's practiced now -- in favor of Nature's infinite intelligence and grace. So now -- get this: He's taken everything he's learned from the world leading experts in human health, and put it all in one place so anyone can understand it. The nerve of him. Not only does he expose the food system, and the sick care system, for what they really are. But he's got way too much time on his hands, because Gut-Brain Secrets gives parents and health-conscious people a complete overview of the cutting edge of natural healing -- that they can use to reverse their "incurable" conditions, and take control of their family's health. He covers the fundamentals of human health that "commoners" in the healthcare system have no business knowing -- from what causes ADD and autism, to fixing the microbiome, to tight junctions, to detoxification, to redox molecules, to soil microbes that feeds us all, to vaccines, to adrenal problems, to hydration. Really, who does he think he is? If this information were to get out, it would undermine illness, aging, and the medical system as we know it. It must not be read or shared, or else Big Ag, Big Food, and Big Pharma will lose a lot of customers and income.