Getting your very first grow up and running can be very exciting. Keep that feeling! You are about to embark on a journey that will surprise you, teach you a lot, and lead you to a having a new skill that can serve you for a lifetime.
But let's not get the cart before the horse, as they say.
Without a complete and organized plan, you are likely to find yourself devoting more time and energy to getting out of pitfalls than enjoying the process. And, more importantly, the quality of your buds will take a huge hit, that could otherwise be easily prevented.
Deciding is a wise place to begin your planning. It is not as simple as it may appear. But do not worry -we will go through the most important things you need to consider.
This book covers:
- Cannabis Basics And History
- The Growing Cycle And The Marijuana Plants Life Cycle
- Marijuana Plants - Type - Gender - Species
- Finding A Suitable Location - How To Germinate The Seeds
- Types Of Cultivation: Indoor - Outdoor - Container
- The Stage Of Growth Of Your Marijuana
- Watering - Pruning - Pests - Diseases
- Harvesting And Curing
- Common Mistakes To Avoid
- Advanced Indoor Soil-Based Growing Techniques
- The Importance of Recordkeeping
- Marijuana Legalities And Safe Use
- Hiding Your Plants From The Outside World
And Much More.
This guide shows you what a plant needs to thrive and to become the kind of buds you find at a high class cannabis dispensary (or, rather, the ones you can't because they've already been consumed before they made it there).
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