We are each a part of an expanding, evolving Universe, which experiences itself only through human consciousness. As the Universe evolves, so does our consciousness. Evolutionary currents are now rocking Western consciousness, as the old left-brain, logical, analytical approaches to life are no longer sufficient to create balanced, fulfilling lives. Western minds are opening as never before to expanded spiritual awareness, more typical of Eastern traditions. Without a bridge connecting the two traditions. integration is elusive, practical applications few, and dissatisfaction with life continues.
Growing Into Soul: The Next Step In Human Evolution is the book which will bridge the two traditions, taking readers from where they are now in their lives, through concrete, practical guidance, to the next level. This level is the next evolutionary step, beyond 'survival of the fittest', to 'survival of the wisest'.
Growing Into Soul: The Next Step In Human Evolution clearly illustrates the path of higher consciousness, then teaches readers how to live that path. This involves a shift from ego-based to soul-based thinking and responding. This easy-to-remember dichotomy allows readers to grasp otherwise difficult or complex concepts and processes.
The book demonstrates that life outcomes are the result of how we interpret our experiences, and teaches how we can choose wiser interpretations. The way we think, feel, speak and behave can change dramatically as a result.
Soundly based on human psychology, this book 'makes sense' to a very broad reading audience. This is a 'how to' book unlike others: elegant in its simplicity and practicality, yet profound in the depth of consciousness into which it taps, and the change it elicits.