GROWING INTO BLACKNESS, Cultivating Trials & Tribulations into Self-Knowledge, Health & Spiritual Awareness.
This book tells the life journey of Abubakr Muhammad Karim. From the mid 1940's, it expands from his birth at home, literally, on the kitchen table, then growing up in segregated Washington DC, educated in a catholic school society, becoming a carpenter, a musician, a sailor in the Vietnam war, a police officer during the MLK riots, experiencing drugs, prison, marriages, the natural foods industry, business consulting, Islamic studies, graduate school, gardening in rural environments, elder life transition and, finally, God/self-awareness.
Karim discovers the false narrative of the American dream for a Blackman. What was promised to those who followed the rules of white society was not true for him. Learning "the hard way", throughout a life of trials, tribulation, love and trauma, Karim realizes his destiny and commitment to the struggle for Black unity through community development activities. Imagination and inspired vision ensue. A new narrative is created and expressed through growing and eating healthier foods for the body, consuming intellectual food for thought and changing one's environment.
This book envisions creating a lifestyle offering greater sustainability, self-sufficiency, and a brighter future for coming generations. It is a story full of food and nature related experiences that reveal a pathway to higher God consciousnesses. Discovering the impact food has on activating new and stronger brain capacity becomes the essence of Karim's life work. His adventures around the world, fascination with health and spiritual awareness continue to play a major part in "self" and community development.
He recommends connecting the past, present and future timeline of life to re-align with nature as our ancient ancestors did and to create a new vision of how local and global communities can be.
Now, in his mid-70's looking back at fifty plus years of growing, processing, consuming, marketing, selling, and teaching how and what to eat to live, Karim has become an elder food scientist with an invaluable treasure trove of mind, body, and spiritual wisdom. His memoirs remind us that, although sometimes complicated, "Life is a glorious journey. It is God's gift to all who have been blessed to live it."