This book, divided into two parts, now in its second edition, presents the basic principles of group theory and their applications in chemical theories. While retaining the thorough coverage of the previous edition, the book in Part I, discusses the symmetry elements, point groups and construction of character tables for different point groups. In Part II, it describes the concept of hybridization to explain the shapes of molecules and analyzes the character tables to predict infrared and Raman active vibrational modes of molecules. It also brings into fore the molecular orbital theory and the techniques of group theory to interpret bonding in transition metal complexes and their electronic spectra. Finally, the book describes the crystal symmetry in detail as well as the Woodward–Hoffmann rules to determine the pathways of electrocyclic and cycloaddition reactions.
• New sections on Direct Product, Group–sub-group Relationships, Effect of Descent in Octahedral Symmetry on Degeneracy, Jahn–Teller Distortion, Group–sub-group Relationships and Electronic Spectra of Complexes and Influence of Coordination on the Infrared Spectra of Oxoanionic Ligands, Space Groups
• Revised sections on Projection Operator, SALC Molecular Orbitals of Benzene and p-Molecular Orbitals of 1, 3-Butadiene
• Provides mathematical foundations to understand group theory.
• Includes several examples to illustrate applications of group theory.
• Presents chapter-end exercises to help the students check their understanding of the subject matter.
The book is designed for the senior undergraduate students and postgraduate students of Chemistry. It will also be of immense use to the researchers in the fields where group theory is applied.
About the Author
A. SALAHUDDIN KUNJU, Ph.D., has been Principal, University College, Thiruvananthapuram. He has also been Head, Department of Chemistry, University College. Dr. Kunju has more than four decades of teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has authored three books and published several papers in international journals. |G. KRISHNAN, Ph.D., has been Principal, Government College, Chavara, Kerala. He has also been Head, Department of Chemistry, University College, Thiruvananthapuram. Dr. Krishnan has more than four decades of teaching experience and has published several papers in international journals.