This book about GDP in the world and each country. Source data from UN Database.
GDP is a key indicator of economy. GDP size is economy size. GDP per capita is economy productivity. GDP growth is economy growth.
In Kushnir's square, countries are categorized by GDP.
GDP clusters by size: global leader is a country with 10%+ share in the world, regional leader is a country with share from 1% to 10%, average economy is a country with share from .1% to 1%, small economy is a country with share from .01% to .1%, micro economy is a country with share less then .01%.
GDP clusters by productivity: the high developed is a country with GDP per capita more then the world average of above average, the developed is a country where GDP per capita is between the world average and the average of above average, the developing is a country where GDP per capita is between the average and the average of below average, the least developed is a country with GDP per capita less then the average of below average.
So, the high developed and the developed countries form 80% of the world GDP (only 71% in the 2010s), the developing - 11-19% and their share grows, the least developed - 5-8%.
Leaders form 80% of the world GDP, averages economies - 14-18%, small economies - 2-3%.
The biggest gap between the developed and the developing countries was in the 1990s, when the USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia had collapsed. In GDP per capita, the gap between the world average of above average and the average of below average was 22 times.
In the 2010s, the world economy had less unequality, the gap between the developed and the developing countries was 9 times. The economy growth of Europe and the Americas declined and their share in the world reduced. The growth rate of Asia and Africa rose and their share in the world did too.
See series "Economy in countries" ( for more information about each country.
About the Author: Ivan Kushnir - author of economic publications, participated in international conferences about economic development. from 2013 - independent researcher; 2010-2013 - researcher at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine; 2003-2010 - head of the Department of finance in MSAU; 1999-2003 - internal auditor in Nibulon Ltd; 1999 - graduated from MSAA, studied Economics; 1994 - graduated from Informatic and Mathematic Liceum (Mykolaiv).