About the Book
Mandalas have inspired inward contemplation and creation of more artwork. They are shared so others can use them for their own meditative objectives, and to find a cognitive tool to find their inner self. The mandalas helps the mind's eye find a centering point, uses the color psychologically to travel inward to one's psyche and core, for reflection, thinking, dreaming, and meditation. Physical becomes spiritual, thoughts are stripped down, layer-by-layer, and strings of self-knowledge radiate from the mandala into the soul of the observer. The images should evoke memories, signs, symbols, dreams, and other images as the meditator reflects on their mantra, focuses on the mandala, and then commits the image to their mind for contemplation.
Historical geometric-based sand-paintings hand created by Tibetian monks meet a newer, digitally created organic shapes, figures, and radii within these images provide a 21st Century vision of mandala that creates the same cultural norms and thinking process within the practice of transcendental mediation. These images are stunning and brilliant enough that traditional - or new - meditators may wish to have these images to place within their personal meditation space to more easily get lost in the process with a closer and larger version.
This book has 52+ images to pick and choose from. The author also provides research resources where those interested in mandalas as a cognitive tool for transcendental mediation can find more information for each aspect - the history of the practice, color theory, and research studies noting art therapy using mandalas in providing treatment for psychological or emotional conditions.
Readers may pick their favorite mandala or color theme to use long-term or use a new one for each week of the year. These stunning images are available in printed form (this book as well as other volumes), but also available for ordering in large canvas versions, as well as accessories (scarves, bandanas, posters, etc.). See the ordering information in the back of the book for each image and its name or code at the bottom of the page.
Alchemy, Ancient techniques, articulate, artwork, balance, Benefits, biofeedback, blessings, blood, body, brain, breath, Buddhism, calming, channel, circle, colors, composition, concentration, consciousness, contemplate, cosmos, Creation, designs, disciplines, discourse, Divine, drawings, emotions, energy, enlightenment, esoteric, experiential, focus, forms, frequency, geometric, growth, guidance, Hinduism, human, hypnosis, Illuminations, imagination, insight, insightful, intelligence, journey, joy, life, light, lived, lotus, love, Maharishi, mandala, manifold, mantra, meanings, measured, mechanism, meditate, meditating, meditation, mental, metaphysically, microcosm, mystical, nature, Nirvana, offering, oxygen, paths, patient, pattern, peace, peoples, personality, philosophical, philosophies, physiological, physiology, positive, powers, process, progressive, progressively, promote, protected, protection, protects, psyche, psychedelic, psyches, psychic, psychoanalyst, psychological, psychology, psychotherapy, puja, pure, purifying, re-balancing, realities, Realms, recovery, reflecting, reflects, relationship, relax, relaxation, relaxed, release, religions, respiration, respiratory, resting, result, reveal, rings, rise, ritual, rosary, rose, Rosicrucianism, sacred, sand, sand painting, Sanskrit, saturation, schema, Self-hypnosis, self-remembering, self, Singh, space, spirits, spiritual, state of being, strengths, de-stress, sub-consciously, Sufie, Sufism, symbolic, synthesis, Tantras, tantric, teachings, technique, therapy, three-dimensional, thought, Tibetan, tool, tradition, traditional, traditions, transcendental, transcends, unconscious, unity, universe, validation, values, virtues, visual, visualizing, visually, wakefulness, water, waves, well-being, window, Wisdom, world, Yantras, Yoga, Zen, Gree