After betraying his King, Adam finds himself enslaved in the Dark Kingdom, a land full of violence ruled by the tyrant Malus. When a stranger enters the Dark Kingdom with the message that the King still loves Adam and wants to free him from the rule of Malus, Adam must decide if he will risk following the stranger to either freedom or death. Is the good King's love truly powerful enough to free him from the grip of Malus?
"When I read a children's book, it is always through this grid: 'Would I trust this message to be told inside the hearts of my grandchildren?' Sadly, many 'Christian' books, I would not. But, The Great Victor is an exception. It is a wonderful and creative telling of humanity's journey that is easily accessible to both adults and children, with an underlying theology that I can trust."
Paul Young, author of #1 New York Times bestseller The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve and Lies We Believe About God
"In The Great Victor, Manuel Becker has retrieved the historic gospel as 'eucatastrophe'--the good news of the Savior's grand victory. Beautiful echoes of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien's good-news storytelling that will ignite children's imaginations with eternal truth."
Bradley Jersak (Ph.D. Theology), author of Children, Can You Hear Me? and A More Christlike God
"A great introduction for children to the God of the gospel. A wholesome and life-shaping good-news story, charmingly illustrated."
Rev'd Dr. Robin Parry, author of The Biblical Cosmos and editor for Wipf and Stock Publishers
No human explanation can exhaust the wonder of God's love given to us in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus ("Joshua," in Hebrew: "God is Salvation"). Yet, in this beautiful little story, Manuel Becker reminds us that God is Love, Relentless Love. He does not change; we change. And Love does not fail. In Jesus, God reveals His heart and earns our trust. Trust is Faith won by Grace: The Victor.
Peter Hiett, Pastor of the Sanctuary Denver and author of The History of Time and The Genesis of You