Great Success. Is based on prophetic, inspirational, faith-building, and spiritual growth! Which can be used, as a daily devotional and prayer into the will of God for one purpose in life.
Also, three chapters carefully look into:
Dominion: as a chapter in Great Success! Some elements were carefully looked into; matrix, the blessings of the womb, God grace, Achievers, By his grace, the mindset and your thought, the seed, living in the atmosphere of dominion.
And the case study? Is the life of Esau. What took place when he had an encounter with his father, regard to the prophecy that was giving him! That when he has the dominion? That the yoke of his limitation will be breaking off him.
Also, the process that he took in order for his dominion to materialize.
In other words, due to the prophecy that was giving him and the process that he took? After he left his father presences? He did overcome all the challenges that he has been experiencing with.
Also, both him and Jacob his brother that caused his limitation in the first place! Were able to meet and the issues between them were solved. In other words, Great success! Is also based on spiritual growth, prophetic, inspirational, and faith building. Nehemiah is the case study. His life in the land of Shushan, and how he met his brethren regards to the falling walls of Jerusalem, and how he waited on God, regard to the steps to take for the re-building of the falling walls of Jerusalem.
Also, how he was favored by the king and with the provision that was giving him by the king. Other mechanisms were also looked into that will enable anyone, which may be in needs to achieve great success in his or her life.
Fruitfulness and Greatness.
Fruitfulness and greatness is also based on the inspirational that will enable any one in living a fruitful life and living great at every endeavor of life.