Warrior and Champion for Jesus Christ, that's Scott Baggett who has overcome the limitation of Polio to climb to great heights in life, work, and faith...
"Scotty is not just my friend; he is my brother in Christ. This book is a must read for anyone needing encouragement, to overcome all obstacles of life even suicide, and most of all that Living hope can change your life. He is a master at turning the difficulties of his life into one accomplishment after another. I never hear him complain. He has never said, 'Oh, poor me.' God used a disability to build a Servant Warrior, who is Scotty my friend."
- David Pasquellio
"We all have people who come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. My friend, Scotty, is a lifetime friend; one, that God placed in my life at the right time or as we all know 'in his time' Scotty gifted me a special item when I first moved away years ago. I still proudly have it displayed in my office. Inscribed on it is a beautiful message about God's journey and the perfect plan and 'through it all, side by side or far apart, true friends live within our hearts.' My heart and my life have been blessed by Scotty's presence and by the life he lives. I'm so proud of this chapter in his life as he shares it with you! Ephesians 1:11"
-Vickie Currie, Boss & Director at Verizon
"As the Director of Volunteers, an ardent admirer of dogs at a major hospital. The respect and knowledge Scott has is nothing short of amazing. I appointed Scott Pet Therapy Chairman in 2005. He was always looking to elevate our Therapy program. He was one of kind in all his efforts in our therapy program. A staple on safety and quality."
-Judi Roberts, Director of Volunteers at St. Joseph Hospitals
"Compassion is the word that comes to my mind when I think of Scott. The 4,500 hours of love and care that he and Lavie gave to hurting children says it all. I invite you read Scott's story and be inspired, convicted and challenged as I have been."
-Pastor Harry Lyon
Scott Baggett's life changed overnight. Polio left him with extensive muscle atrophy on one side of his body. Faced with one difficultly after another, polio became his greatest asset. God had been preparing him for a tough and long journey testing his faith to produce perseverance. God used a dog to rescue Scott and then He took them on a journey of a life time. God needs more Servants who will Never Quit & Never Give Up. Are you ready?