About the Book
Yan Ka woke up again with the same dream - nightmare: to write fantasy stories and get rich !!!!.He could not stand this nightmare.For four months he had to sleep the same dream again !!!!.Since throughout his life he never liked to write and read novels, he never engaged in theoretical lessons, history - religious - philology - psychology - grammar - syntax, etc.He studied science, has dyslexia and was never able to learn another, foreign language !!!!.He never wanted to listen to orators, historians, philologists, politicians, theologians and poets.So how to start writing historical fantasies, novels, fiction?He had no imagination at all, he rarely dreamed, except for the last one that appeared to him.A single dream in his sleep, almost on a daily basis, that urged him to become a writer !!.Another, much more serious problem he faced was that of his old age.He is over seventy years old and can no longer work. From a young age, he may have helped his villagers, his fellow human beings, friends and relatives, his classmates, fellow students, colleagues and companions in general, his employees.To turn a blind eye to the injustices he saw being done to him, so as not to upset the greedy.He did not want to offend in any way the employees who worked in the Public Services and made bribes.He did not want to change in his interest, in his interest, the existing bureaucratic situation, the existing conservative system.Even his relatives and neighbors, friends, brothers, classmates and every stranger he met by chance on his way and who, all he cared about, all he wanted was to have some financial benefit, tried not to upset them. .Thus, at the age of seventy and over, he became penniless, owing a lot of money to the Banks.He became aware that his first house was being auctioned off.Of course, he had no other choice, that is, to be in immediate danger of losing his paternal home after he had mortgaged it to the banks.The only thing that bothered him lately was: "How could he find money to pay off the banks and not lose his paternal home that he had inherited from his parents."He never had imagination, he did not believe in fairy tales, dreams, he was not ambitious, greedy, and he did not like lies. All he liked was to see people loved and happy.He was, after all, a theoretical dreamer, who believed that: Every human being, every fellow human being, apart from the fact that he had the uniqueness that there is no one else like him, was also a saint !!!. And with this reasoning he behaved everywhere.Our boss is a church, his employees said.All this reasoning was going through his mind every day. He had become a failed man, like a family man, a professional with an almost downhill future.What kept him alive were his children, his grandchildren and his last wife who was somewhat reconciled with him.So, with this data, he was forced and decided to listen to his nightmarish dream, although he did not believe in dreams.On the contrary, he believed that dreams express unrealized plans, thoughts, human goals, represent negative thoughts, not real, logical ideas, achievable goals. He decided out of necessity, finally, to start writing various stories.And not only that !!!. He began to believe that he was a successful man, rich in all goods, spiritual and material, and that what he saw almost every day in his dream that it would happen, had really happened, before he started writing humorous fiction stories !!!.And because he knew neither the subject he was going to write nor the content of his stories, he decided to write stories whose subject matter, the title of each story, would help his fellow human beings to buy his books, since these stories would have content for the survival of man and our planet. The theme of the book, is that if a person imagines something, believes in something, sets a specific goal, purpose, plan, ideal scene, he can achieve it.