Summer (3 years old): "Mum, I say hello to that lady and then she loves me"
Me: "That's great Summer, you're a very friendly girl"
Summer: "Yes because Mum, if you don't love people, then you don't love yourself"
Me: "So very true sweetie, it's important that we love ourselves, so that we can love others"
Summer: *Smiles knowingly.
This was a conversation with my then 3 year old, which organically blossomed after reading and interacting through our book together over a period of around two weeks - this book, which was inspired by her.
When Summer came into this world, her existence led me on a journey inwards. She has taught me that our children are the key to an enlightened future, as long as we guide them towards staying connected to their natural state. If we can achieve this, they will know no different than to follow their hearts and create a harmonious and peaceful world. An authentic world in where it is always okay to just be yourself.
It is my heartfelt mission to inspire as many parents as possible to help their children reach their highest potential. All we need to do to achieve this, is to remind them of their greatness, remind them how powerful they are and keep them connected to the source energy that we are all born connected to. This book reminds it's readers of these truths.
I hope that this book will be the first of many that I will write in pursuit of fulfilling my mission and my
life purpose. And lastly, I hope that it will touch your heart.
Much Love, Danni x