About the Book
This book is designed with the with age range of readers in mind called "Teenagers," approximately fourteen through eighteen, a time of tremendous growth in mental acuity, physical strength and motility, social awareness, sexual expression, self-assessment and the beginning of self-actualization.* It is also a time of many bumps, detours, and falls; marked by the teenager-turning-adult learning to navigate the world at large. The stories describe triumphs, challenges, downfalls, tragedy, and joys. This book is intentional in the thought to also provide, when possible, not only entertainment, but a moral in all its complexity, that the reader can work out for themselves, or with the guidance of the significant others in their lives. Because of the intended age range, some stories may prove problematic for the younger readers, but may also prove to be of guidance to them as well. This book is also unique in that it provides sections of commentary and information critical to a greater understanding of this viable period of transition, as well as a segment of inquiry questions that can be referenced as guides to personal guidance and processing. It is also written with current values (even when the story seemingly appears to come from a previous generation), and with this generation of youngsters, kept with their experiences, faults and challenges in mind. We should never underestimate what they go through, especially in their secretive world undisclosed to the adults around them. They are not as innocent as we might hope for them to be, nor as experienced as we think they are. Unique to this book, is a complete series of relevant questions in the appendix that can be used as guides for self-exploration and/or classroom discussions. They are purposeful and clear offering suggestions for writing, reading, and developing a clearer expectation of the teen world and character development. I should warn that some stories are blunt and speak to harsh realities. Some may find them revolting and difficult. To say these are beyond the experiences of kids is to not recognize the real truth of what kids go through, really live through, or in many ways know about. I wish it were not so. *A term first coined by Abraham Maslow in his incredible work about human development.
About the Author: This is the seventh book written by Thomas William Montgomery (non de plume), under the Amazon label, and the first relating to Teenager's literature. His previous books are: Viet Nam and Other Interruptions (a trilogy), about the Viet Nam war (and other life events) from the trauma perspective; another written for Children/Tweenies entitled, Grandpa's Stories: Moral Stories for Young Readers; and the fifth book, It was a Crystal Clear Night, containing Christian Poetry with Commentaries. They are available from Amazon. He has lived a rich and varied life that vocationally has included: psychologist, professor, minister, therapist, crisis worker/Field Supervisor, advocate, parent, Spiritual Mentor, consultant, expert witness, combat medic, survivor of PTSD and combat-related injuries (to included Agent Orange Poisoning), survivor of divorce and now happily married, and terminally afflicted from the AOP. He has worked with children, teenagers and adults throughout his life. In addition to his professional careers, he has also been a pilot, WSI and professional lifeguard, CPR Certified, head coach in soccer (High School and with three competitive teams) & a USSF Official and Instructor, amateur astronomer, competitive sailor, photographer, film critic, CISD for police and firemen, ambulance driver/medic, created a suicide hotline and was a worker, advisor to SRS, hospital chaplain, parachutist, co-creator of a personality inventory, inventor of a locator schedule for the Sheriff's department, creator of and continued participant in the first Kindergarten "Round-up" for a school system, developer of a Crisis Intervention protocol for a school system, mentor to beginning school psychologists, instructor/presenter at numerous workshops on a variety of topics, Keynote Speaker at assemblies, and a variety of other personas, much of which has been curtailed by his afflictions. He now enjoys writing stories and poems, and traveling with his wife making memory events. He even has taken some college courses (which now are free). He is blessed with many grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He gives much praise and eternal gratefulness to the Holy One who had rescued him.