About the Book
If this book had a goal, it would be to influence writers to learn more about style. It focuses mostly on tags, a few throwups, and about 1% civilian graffiti. This book leaves most writers out, and focuses very narrowly on what I happened to come across, and found most interesting, in a brief moment of time during 2013. Featuring: Capri, Jade, Orfn, Kerbs, Dase, Ali, KCM, Vegan, BNE, Enigma, Hype, Caveman, Gin, Kex, Hapy, Viser, Sibl, KHY, Pandasex, Guse, Cajun, Zeke, Rose, Igni, Work, Peace, Malvo, Cake87, Iron, 246, Mire, Piper, Skert, Light, Jiz, Capah, Stak, Hablo, Cask, Mike, Tofu, Cfor, Every, S8n, Fury, Naroc, Sacr, Erupto, Aqua, Kokes, Yogee, Buter, Alert, AJ, Dim, Twick, Spie, Adek, Ich, Cuba, Venus, Brite, Rita, Plan9, Wyse, F50, Repent, Texan, HTF, Grey, FN, Euro, Tetra, Jenks, Tabs, Percept, and others. Apologies to the writers who should have made the book, but did not, due to various reasons.