Inspired by the life of her mentally-challenged brother, Timmy...Brenda Hawbaker Lewis sets out to take the reader into Timmy's irreverent, hysterically funny, and insightful world! Filled with "Timmy-isms", short stories, and pictures, "A Gorgeous Sexy Life" is a "feel-good book in a trying time", as one reader recently commented. Another reader stated, "I simply couldn't put it down!"
An excerpt from the introduction: "I can't remember when my brother Timmy first used the words gorgeous and sexy to describe a cup of coffee or the myriad of other things he loves. It has nothing to do with sexiness or looks, but everything to do with appreciating the simple goodness of life!" In that, Timmy seems to live a "gorgeous and sexy" life. Timmy, carries a genetic mutation, called Fragile X Syndrome which limits his ability to read or even tie his own shoes. Yet, where Timmy lags behind in some areas, he seems to excel in the areas that really count; loving and serving others.
Written in topical chapters, describing Timmy's "take on the world", the following is an excerpt from the Chapter, Timmy's Take on Marriage and Sex: "People marry to keep each other warm!" Though Timmy is content as a bachelor, his answer to why people get married always seems to make women sigh and swoon. Yet if Timmy is asked why he isn't married, he will emphatically state one of two things: either "I don't need to get married...I'm warm enough" or "Women cost too much!"
Comments from recent readers: "I really needed this book!", "I need more Timmy in my life!", "The world would be so much better if we were all like Timmy!" "This is a great gift book to brighten someones day!" "I place my book on the coffee table for my daily dose of laughter and wisdom." "I smiled the entire time I read 'A Gorgeous Sexy Life!"
About the author:
Brenda Hawbaker Lewis has lived and worked in "missional community" since 1992. She has traveled the world speaking and teaching on "Living the Dream." In 2005, Brenda founded Child Restoration, International to help rescue children at risk of sexual exploitation and trafficking in Asia. Along with being Timmy's sister, it continues to be on the the greatest privileges of her life. When not on the road, Brenda lives near Boulder, Colorado to be with her children, eight Grandchildren (and counting), and her favorite hiking destination, the Rocky Mountains.