Do you want to start teaching online but you don't know how to do it and where to start? (And maybe you even like Pink Floyd?)
If the answer to this question is "YES", then keep reading...
First of all: Do you know Google Classroom?
Maybe you heard about it, especially in this period where you were forced to have online lessons.
Well, who knows what the future will be about... So, let's be prepared for this as soon as possible!
Such a large part of your classroom time is taken up by the process of organizing student work, making sure all are aware of the upcoming assignments and solutions. It is not rare for teachers entering the world of classroom technology to be overwhelmed by the additional devices, electronic documents, applications, and classroom management strategies needed for students to learn successfully. Several teachers have started using Google Classroom to assist with Classroom Management, a tool designed from the ground up with teacher feedback.
This google classroom book will be a great guide for you. It even helps with interacting with parents, such as in the case with conferences, behavioral concerns, and even general notes and announcements.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn:
- The benefits of Google Classrooms
- How to start a plan book for your class
- How to create a class and organize it
- How you can manage the due dates, homework, and assignments
- How to get another student or a teacher into the class
- How to manage grades and transfer them to Google Sheets
- Motivational techniques to help kids get excited
- Extensions, hidden features, and useful apps to help students succeed
So whether you're a teacher looking for a way to ease your workflow management by keeping track of your students' status, assignments and see real-time work progress with zero risk of ever experiencing work losses, or a student looking for a simple and effective way to stay at the top of classroom happenings while interacting with other students on your mobile phone or PC through an engaging app, Google Classroom is for you.
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