Are you not paying too high a price for achieving your goals?
Don't you, like most people, struggle to achieve your goals with too much effort, time, stress and excessive work?
Of course, sure, grandpa always said: You have to work hard to achieve something. But let's face it, Grandpa never got anywhere, did he? Is it possible that life was never meant to be a fight, but rather a walk from one highlight to the next?
Can you believe that a life is possible for you and your neighbors that is equal to your wildest dreams?
I'm telling you, it's possible!
However, it is only possible if you are willing to give something that you have grown very fond of. - Your previous thinking.
As our old friend Albert said:
If you think the way you have always thought, you will act the way you have always acted. If you act as you have always acted, you will bring about what you have always brought about.
Thank you Mr. Einstein, this saying is ingenious and as important as your e = mc2!
In this ebook, you get an insight into my world of thinking.
These "thought models" described here "work in my life, in a way that is simply unthinkable for most people.
You have the choice, dear readers. You can continue to try to achieve your goals with your previous strategies. Or you can simply allow yourself the fun of testing the methods presented in this ebook.
You know, success has three letters: T.U.N.
You can dismiss the thoughts described here as esoteric hocus-pocus and continue to live as you do today.
For me that would be completely okay, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in every respect, don't whine around and leave me alone.
On the other hand, you can gradually make the thoughts described here your own and marvel at how beautiful and meaningful life can be. I tell you again, life was never meant to be a fight! It is important that you internalize this truth. It is fun-da-mental.
If you want to adopt the ideas described in this ebook, you will inevitably come up against limits. Limits that exist in your head. Decide! Are you ready to cross these boundaries?
I mean, a currently valid truth established by some authority does not necessarily have to remain true. One may well allow oneself to think about a matter from another side, from a side that differs from the general opinion.
For me, the rule is: Borders are there to be crossed!
In this ebook I will try to show you step by step how and in which areas you can allow yourself to cross borders.