This literary work of "Golden Love" is indeed a "Work of Love". In these pages the writers take us on a special journey, ......a journey that explores love in many ways, from the humorous and lighthearted to the very deepest outer and inner ecstasies of love experienced and to the heartbreak of love lost. In these pages love reaches out to us from those departed to the spirit side of life. It reaches out to encompass our loved ones, our animal friends, our families, our Mother Earth, our teachers, and our God. It reaches into the very depth of our souls and in the end, it shows us ourselves.
Cynthia Gordon, Editor
Jeanette Strack Zanghi was born in North Creek, New York on July 6, 1926. Graduated from the State University at Plattsburgh. Career choices were boutique owner, journalist, teacher, insurance agent and author. Raised three sons. Presently living in Cassadaga, Florida with husband, Don, and four bratty cats.
CASSADAGA POETRY CLUB WRITERS--Gage Adams, Sharon Leary Baridon, Laura Chase, Nikki Clark, Susan Forbes, Cynthia Gordon, Ellen Henry, Rev. Bob Johnstone, Chris Jones, Maya Kraemer, Scott Leisen, Dawn Madson, Angie Acosta Millan, Janice Miraldi, Jeff Robbins, Kate Wolstencroft Ryan, Joy Sagar, Shireen, Bill Sparkman, Marianne Upson, Rick Vargas, Janet