Dan Garret was inspired to become a policeman after his father was killed by gangsters, but he found that everyday policework was not enough. He became THE BLUE BEETLE! At first he fought crime in a blue suit and mask, using only his human strength and wits, but early in his career was almost killed....and Dr Franz created "Vitamin 2X" - and used it to save Garrett's life, at the same time giving him super-strength, super speed, even super intelligence. Now, donned in his armored costume, BLUE BEETLE had become a bona-fide superhero. THE BLUE BEETLE has been retold and rebooted many times over the last 75 years. This is the original BLUE BEETLE, the Golden Age classic hero. He appeared in many comics, including a 60-issue series of his own, 31 issues of MYSTERY MEN and other co-starring appearances..
This book presents his appearances in chronological order, beginning with his first appearance in Mystery Man Comics #1 (August 1939) through Blue Beetle #7 (May-June 1941). It includes many of the promotional ads that appeared in other comics, and the covers from Weekly Comic Magazine, a newspaper insert publication. Because we are going for completeness, there may be some duplication of stories between Mystery Men Comics and his Blue Beetle title in the early issues.
We specialize in character collections - many for the first time in print; we also publish individual issues from the past as well as complete comic title series'. Our books are not digitally remastered; we use images from actual comics, and make only minor adjustments to bring out their best characteristics without losing the authentic feel - it is rarely perfect, but we believe it is exciting. We take your requests and create special collections never gathered together before! At Gwandanaland Comics we take the extra time to give you the best quality possible!
GWANDANALAND COMICS(TM) wishes everyone to know the value of, and debt owed to two Websites which have made sure that public domain and other comics are available to the world. Please visit these sites and enjoy viewing their comic files. Without their efforts few of these books would be available:
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