About the Book
Thomas Kielbasinski has be nominated number one fan of Jessica Guay, Jeannate Reyes, Alex Holly, Kristen Rodgers because of his social media posts. This book is to show people how Gods Worlds Blessings is period.Resume and Accomplishments are 3 degrees, 500 credits, 300 newspaper articles, 30 books published, 10 years of teaching and 15 years of tutoring.ACS Consultants- TSS, Teacher, Tutor, Counselor for students with disabilities. ESY program for school district of Philadelphia and Charter schools (July 2018-present)Kelly Education Services- -Subteacher-Philadelphia, PA- I work for the School District of Philadelphia-All area of philly, all subjects. (January 2019-present)Sage Education Services- Tutor- Philadelphia, PA, I work with all subjects within the city of philadelphia. (January 2019-present) Self-employed tutor- Tutor select, Tutorz.com, Eduwizards, tutor all subjects. (March 2012-present)- clearances updated-2 IU8- Sub teacher- January 2010-present- four county region- Duties: sub teaching through Somerset, Cambria Bedford, and Blair counties- all general subjects-Bedford, Forest Hills, Richland, Johnstown, Conemaugh Township-41, Everett Area-20, Ferndale-20- reading, spelling, recess, study hall, history, science, physical education, health, computers, math. Clearances updatedPresentations PROJECTS/PAPERSOklahoma City Stadium Project (Fall 2003) - GIS/PlannerAccomplishments: GIS Research and establish a GIS point in Oklahoma City to build a stadium GPS/GIS Photo interpretation, data modeling, GIS editing and GIS creating data of location of stadium, specific street locations, tourist attractions, proper interstate connections to attract for easier routes (ESRI products used-Arcview 3.0 8.0, 9.0, Microsoft Excel, SQL, ArcGIS engine, ArcGIS mobile and ARCGIS objects, mapsuite, Geopoint) 250 Project hours (budget- 80million) Belle Vernon Evacuation Plan (Spring 2004) - GIS/PlannerAccomplishments: To create topographic maps for data modeling and emergency evacuation plan: Analyzed photos of Belle Vernon area and interpreted photos for effective evacuation planResearched emergency management and terrorism prevention, routes of evacuation and solutions to problems of being better prepared and aware of natural disasters and terrorism attacks (ESRI products used-Arcview 3.0, 8.0, 9.0, Microsoft Excel 2000, Mapsuite, Geopoint) 250 project hours (budget 50 million) EDUCATION Masters of Arts in Business AdministrationJune 2009- present)- University of Phoenix, on-line Phoenix, AZ- 27 CreditsPhD in Management with a specialization in Project Management(February 2008-May 2008)- Capella University, Minneapolis, MN-36 creditsAdult Basic Education- Reading, Math, English, Spelling and Language Mechanics. (March 2007- present) Somerset County Technology Center, Somerset, PA- 106.5 hoursPhD of Applied Management and Decision Sciences with Specialization in Leadership(March 2005- June 2007) Walden University, Baltimore, MD- 50 creditsMaster of Arts in Geography and Urban Planning (Dec. 2004) Thomas has a wealth of knowledge and experience is mind blowing. (The Whole World Thinks!)We live in a time span whose establishment weaves in the data age so effective project manage is essential. Remaining a step ahead has become a necessity that tends to grow momentum on an annual basis. In terms of project management, one must remain mindful of religion, one must remain mindful of business conditions and stringent wants are the standard, Author Thomas Kielbasinski's Gods Worlds Blessings, is a comprehensive inside disclosure that offers real examples supported by brilliant and detailed research. GWB has all you need to successfully administer resume goals from start to finish from a professional who understands its like no other.