About the Book
1 One must understand, that image has been in the earth, ever since man fell in the Garden of Eden. And that while, that image has remained and has continued, in the earth, forever. 2 It is seen, that since the days of Noah, that those days would return in the earth, as the earth being filled with violence against his neighbor, and thoughts of his heart being aimed at being evil, continually forever. 3 Those returning like days of hardened bestiality. Those days are considered to be forever true. As days like Noah's generation, that is seen, 4 As unrepentiful true men and unrepentiful true women and unrepentiful true nations, as they are found in the fallen true earth, forever. 5 In other words, unrepentfulness as the days of Noah, would return to the earth, and would arise in the earth, to the point, that the earth would have to be judged, in end time judgments, forever. 6 And this is because, of fallen unrepentiful true men, that they would chose to never depart from the hardness of heart, that is found, 7 As being eternally unrepentfully and sinfully, against all, that is and is called God, as being eternally forever true. 8 Therefore, mankind has bought himself, to these days, of the earth. That are called "As the days of Noah." And man is now being judged by me (God), in these days, that are of the earth. That is called", "As the days of Noah." 9 And because of these days, mankind shall cease to exist, in his seen sins, forever. Therefore, Christ shall soon come to the earth, and gather the faithful in Christ, unto me (God), forever true. 10 And thou, O little one (Israel), who is in Christ Jesus, forever. Thou shalt, meet me and Christ, in the sky, in that true day. That is a day, that doth, come quickly, to the earth, forever. 11 And, again, unrepentiful beastly true people and beastly true, unrepentiful true nations, that are found in today's true world. 12 They were foretold to occur. And these, Noah type days, they are known, as "That Coming." And these, Noah type days, they are most certainly, seen, 13 As being the days, that are today's, unrepentiful true people and unrepentiful true nations. That are known, as the timeline period of the earth. That is called "The End Of The Days." 14 The word coming, in the new Testament, that is found in Second Thessalonians 2:9. It is found, in meaning, that is in reference to the coming of the Days, that like unto the days of Noah, that my (God) Son Christ, had spoken of, to occur, in Matthew 24:37. 15 Those of the earth, they should know, that their day. It is consider, as the days of Noah. For this, present, sinful true world. It is found, in reference to Matthew 24:37 and in Luke 21:25, 16 And these days, they are, most certainly, in reference, to the term: "The times of the gentiles be filled." Those times of days, they were fulfilled, in 1967 AD. 17 Then, the beginning for the days, that are called sea and waves roaring, then had began, starting in and from, 1967 AD. 18 That is, in meaning, that the times, of gentiles, are filled. For the term: "Sea and waves roaring." That term, sea and waves roaring, it cannot start, until the times of the gentiles, had first, been filled. 19 Those days, that are concerning the times of the gentiles. They were filled, in 1967 AD. And these days, of the fallen true earth. They are, most certainly, like unto the days, that are like unto the days, that Noah had experienced, in his time of the earth, forever. 20 Therefore, unrepentiful true man (mankind), found in these days of the fallen true earth, is considered being like unto the Days of Noah, 21 That are unrepentiful true days, found presently in this fallen unrepentiful true earth. For many do desire, to not ever repent unto me, 22 As being eternally forever true, as they be seen by Christ the Son, as being eternally forever true and forever more, in their chosen sins, forever.
About the Author: Roger Wallace is called of God to minister The Word of Truth in an unprecedented way, to minister end time prophesying interpretations that have and do come only from God Himself through Jesus our Lord and Savior. Roger has been given unsealed and unclosed prophecy's that are now in our day; forever truly opened from The Holy Bible and his vision is because of the openness of God's True Word. Roger has spent much time in the preparations of these testifying prophesying Holy Bible writings that are found open in today's world. And as being a true servant of God... Roger has from sunrise to sunset or even in the darkness of night, given of himself to God... to write these True Truths of God's open True Word, forever. Roger is a Dad and Grand-Dad. He has seen life as many have, and yet God speaks to him to always help all to understand the love of Christ-forever. For information contact THE VILLAGE CARPENTER WORLD WIDE MINISTRIES, PUBLISHING HOUSE and BIBLE SCHOOL, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info