About the Book
. When I was twenty-one years old, God Called me to preach. However though I never knew that as I stood up to testify one day that the Calling and the Anointing would come upon me suddenly. When I first became born again or saved, I began to pursue after the Heart of God, for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and I soon was filled with His baptism and speaking in other tongue, as the Spirit gave the utterance. We are Children when we are first saved, we need nourished by reading the Word, going to Church and our faith cometh by Hearing the Word. Then one of the biggest things you need to do, is begin a well-established prayer life. When my Calling to preach was Revealed and Manifested unto me, it was because I was in much prayer, I had a Walk with God. I sought God about my Calling and when He Manifested it unto me, the Anointing of the Calling to preach, come upon me and I was preaching under the Anointing. I never knew that I had to go through Spiritual training by the Ministry of the Holy Ghost, in me, to teach me how to Walk in the Anointing. I learned over a period of several years, as I was invited, to preach but I never knew what was, just about to happen, unto me right after, God Called me to preach. Personal Experience I was just Called to preach and one of the Ministers that was attending my Church, asked me, if I wanted to preach, at a Church, as a young preacher, to the youth. I showed up to preach this night and I got behind the pulpit and prayed and opened up to the scripture, where God had led me to preach from. To my amazement, I was almost speechless. I stumbled through everything I was talking about. I had no Anointing, to come upon me, to preach, at all. So truthfully I preached, a dry sermon, without the Anointing because of my youth and not knowing that I had to be taught how to Walk, in the Anointing. I never knew that there was supposed, to be a preparation time, before I could have ever been sent out, to preach. The Minister that asked me, to preach, did not have any Spiritual Wisdom, in inviting me, to go out and preach, right after I was Called. You too Will have to learn things about the Anointing, as you pray, study Gods Word, before you just go out and begin to preach or teach the Word of God. If not, you Will fall flat on your face behind the pulpit, just as I did. Ignorance can cause you harm and hurt feelings and this can hinder you, in your first beginnings of starting out to preach and teaching the Word of God. First Things Come First You first need to ask yourself this question, how bad do you want to know what your Calling is? Once you have asked yourself this question, ask yourself another one? How bad do you want the Anointing upon you and your life, as a Minister? Even as a Saint, how bad do you want to know what God wants you to do for Him, in your Calling and do you want to Walk in the Anointing of God? Do You Know Your Calling In Life You cannot get your cart before the horse, so to speak. If you do not know your Calling then you to, Will have to build a life of prayer and pursue after the very Heart of God and ask, until He Manifest it, unto you, My Dear Reading Friend. There are first things first, at this time, for you. When Your Calling Is First Manifested Unto You When you are first Called into the Ministry, to preach or to teach or to evangelize, you Will have to go through, a time of identifying, certain things by the Ministry of the Holy Ghost, your Spiritual teacher. It is the Holy Ghost that Reveals and Manifests Gods Anointing upon you. You cannot just go out into the Ministry, before learning, how to Walk in the Anointing. I don't care if you are Called into the fivefold Ministry Gifts or Called to preach or teach in a local Church or if God just Revealed and Manifested a Gift of the Holy Ghost, unto you. See GodsVision.info The Village Carpenter Publishing House, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info .