About the Book
Revised in 2012, God With Us describes the life of peacemaking found in the Biblical message of Jesus. There are lots of traditions, there are lots of religions. And then there are people of real spiritual power, who, whether they know it or not, live in that Jesus faith. Whether you are atheist or agnostic or a so-called "saved" believer, you will be challenged. There is a way to see Jesus of Nazareth which cuts through religious language and gets to the way of life suggested by him. Jesus' way of life has us live in relationships of simplicity, forgiveness, and peacemaking which strive toward friendship with all: God, humans, and the world. Jeff Neuman-Lee stands in the gap between "liberal" and "conservative." True, Jeff urges us to live in peace, justice and equality; but just as strongly he points to Christ. In a world of deep polarization, it's refreshing to hear a third way proclaimed. Brian Nixon, Writer and Musician, Albuquerque, New Mexico This is a Christo-centric book and the Christo is Jesus. Through him Neuman-Lee preaches peace to peace churches, to communions in need of peace, all in a land suffering its lack. He finds Jesus not impossibly and divinely distant, but practical, finally simple, always concrete, utterly demanding and lovingly present. A Jesus who is with us in the boat. Bill Wylie-Kellerman, Pastor, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Detroit, Michigan Jeff carefully pares away the church's current obsession with control, with judgement. Instead, he challenges us to recognize God is real and God is with us. Frank Ramierez, Pastor, Everet Church of the Brethren, Pennsylvannia God With Us reflects Jeff's commitments to honoring healing and connection with all things and all people, a theology deeply embedded in creation but articulated in conversation with the Bible. Vern Remple, Pastor, First Mennonite Church, Denver, Colorado Jeff Neuman-Lee offers us a Way with no loopholes. Jesus Christ is warp, our lives the weft, the Spirit weaving the whole thing together. Because all the pieces really are meant to fit together: sorrow, joy, solidarity, grace, love, mercy, justice, peace, community. Really. Denise Griebler, UCC pastor, potter, retreat leader, Warrenville, Illinois Neuman-Lee asks us to join him in paddling into the boundary waters of a deeper and more vibrant experience of human life lived for higher purposes-purposes best exemplified in the life, death and living presence of Jesus of Nazareth and best sought in community. The going is not always easy, the answers never simplistic, and we may well get caught in a storm on the lake as we try to find our way-but there is deep satisfaction when we arrive drenched and cleansed by the journey we've taken together. -David Radcliff, Director, New Community Project, Elgin, Illinois
About the Author: Jeff Neuman-Lee (MDiv. Bethany Theological Seminary) is a pastor, writer and activist living with his wife Judi in Denver, Colorado.