Are you experiencing a time in your life when the times are tough? Where the going has become so difficult you feel lost or abandoned, alone in an uncaring universe and wondering whether life will ever again hold any inspiration, fulfillment or hope?
Unbelievable as it may feel, traumatic times can be the harbinger of something extraordinary occurring within our being; a unique opportunity for transforming ourselves and our lives.
Imagine yourself
* feeling an inner peace and tranquility as your normal state of being
* experiencing life's challenges as doorways into loving-kindness
* living with insight and compassion rather than judgment and criticism.
* enjoying more loving relationships with family and friends.
* rediscovering the mystery and magic of truly living
"Where is God When Times are Tough?" offers you the opportunity to transform your life through transcending troubles and connecting with your own inner wisdom and insight.
During Sandra's own "Dark Night of the Soul" journey, she discovered a secret. The secret is, real change or transformation requires access to a higher level of consciousness than the level which created the problem. The reason is that the mind cannot contact the higher level insights the Soul can provide.Transformation, unfortunately, does not occur solely with an act of will.
The next and most important part of her discovery is; Transformation is a process requiring time whereby insights must be integrated into the very tissues of our being within the day to day living of our physical lives. The Good News is; during this process of transformation, we literally become different people, we live from a different level.
So why can't you just study wise texts in order to transform in this way? The wise words are necessary but it is the actual application of the wisdom in our modern life that people find most difficult. The ancient wisdom is all very well, but you are left asking, "How do I actually change myself?" What you need is a book that is as much about how to incorporate the truths as it is with revealing the truths themselves.
"Where is God When Times are Tough?"is such a book. It is the human story of a person who took Divine principles and, in her ever so human way, applied them as best she could to her everyday life. It is the story of her faltering attempts to actually live the Truths. In doing so she changed her life. This book follows her personal journey, not so much because she is special or heroic, but more that her Dark Night experience and process of growth and discovery provides more opportunities for self-discovery than hearing the same author pontificate on points of wisdom.
"Where is God When Times are Tough?" invites you too take just such an experiential journey. Incredibly, it became a journey leading to joy, purpose and fulfillment, one in which she came to understand the real meaning of soul and love in her life. In reading this book, you will find challenges familiar and relevant to your own life situations. There is much wisdom in this book you can apply to ease your own path. What you will not find is a book written using a cerebral "how-to" style. Instead you will find a more feminine approach that respectfully, gently and with love invites you to find insights into your own life by walking in the moccasins of another. As you travel with Sandra, your life too could be transformed.
About the Author: After a Christian upbringing, Sandra attended Sydney University and studied education, philosophy and psychology, before going on to Post-Graduate studies at Sydney Teachers' College. Upon graduation, she initially taught at high schools, both in Australia and in the UK. Later she trained as a school counselor, as well as pursuing study in spiritual philosophies and practices including Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi. In 1993, she and her husband, Ian, moved to San Francisco, California, where she studied and later professionally practiced various therapeutic modalities and psychological methods for facilitating people's growth and change, including Intuitive Hypnotherapy and Core Transformations, an offshoot of NLP. Just prior to leaving the USA in late 1996, Sandra and Ian suffered enormous and sudden financial loss at the hands of some unscrupulous people. In fact, things got so bad that at one time they were actually living in fear for their personal safety. It was only then Sandra discovered her years of study, psychology and counseling work were insufficient to handle the challenges they faced. When her "times were tough", these extraordinary events instead triggered a severe crisis. In a very short period, her life spiraled down into a horrific state she refers to as her "Dark Night of the Soul". Ironically, however, this descent into "hell" proved to be a wonderful gift in disguise. There in the depths of despair, when all else failed, she finally discovered the amazing secret of living with inner peace. This secret, which had eluded her in all my earlier searching for inner peace, was finally revealed when she gave up her outer search for answers in man's habitual way, and instead went within to access her soul's inner peace and wisdom. Only then could she gain the insight needed to bring light into her life and dispel the darkness. From this very dark period has emerged her book and profound insights of great value to all.