About the Book
The first thing we must acknowledge is that He is the creator of the universe. That includes you and me. We must be willing to accept Him as He is. Not just someone sitting on a chair just looking down on earth. The ways He can speak to us is through the Revelation of Creation, the Revelation of Knowledge, the Revelation of the Printed Page and however He wants us to... God can do that. There is also the Revelation of this book in Word, Revelation of Dreams and Visions, Angel Visitations, in our Spirit, Circumstances, Blessings, Other People, etc. Perhaps He speaks to you in Other Ways? After all He is God... He Never Changes. The Holy Bible tells us He is Omnipotent or unlimited power, Omniscient or all knowing and Omnipresent or is present everywhere. There are some others most people never talk about as well. Another term called Omni-Benevolent... This is a technical term for More To Give To Everyone. You think on these things? What more could we ask or think that our Heavenly Father could have for us who love Him. Just like rules that we have for our own children, the Lord has provided rules for us. He also tells us to love one another and to love Him with all of our heart, as He has loved us. That kind of love only comes to give our hearts to Him... All of us. He doesn't want just part of us. Even the broken pieces are welcome. He is the Healer, the Comforter, our Savior and much, much more. When we look at all that He is, it is awe-inspiring. Now let's take a look at His Word. The Holy Bible. In the Old Testament God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. These 10 Commandments are our recipe; as grandma called them, for life. These guidelines are meant to help us through life with the least amount of problems. God will protect us from so much if we pay attention to His Holy Word and His provision. When we ignore Him, we open the door for the devil to come into our lives. In Deuteronomy 28, God tells us of the blessings of obedience that come upon us if we do right and live right. He also tells us of the curses for disobedience how to be blessed. You may say this is Old Testament and we live in the New Testament and the age of Grace. That's true but God always says what He means and never what He says has ever changed. God never changes. We have to look at everything and pray about everything. It is The Living Word. If we may quote author Sharon Kilgore's book,"NO HOLY GHOST NO POWER" Chapter Two Vision of The Bible" Prayer is power. It is in the secret place of prayer that, God will reveal the depth of His power, and His Word, I know this because I've had many visitations, while I was in prayer and at times on a prolonged fast! My husband Reverend Roy, who is a praying man, has also encountered many visitations. I must make mention of my vision in this book also, it was so powerful! I was made to know even in a greater depth the power of Gods Word. My husband would always rise early in the mornings and pray for a couple of hours before starting out each day. Then in the late evening, I would pray, some times till morning. One night while I was in prayer, I was taken into a vision; the Bible came before me, in midair. As I looked upon it, the Bible began to breath, just like a human would breath. As my eyes were focused on my Bible, the Spirit spoke to me and said, "My Words, they are Spirit, My Words, they are life. Who soever will receive My Words, they shall receive life." Who's Words? Jesus Words! The mighty Word of God, when received in our life, will change the vilest of sinners, and will set the captive free! My Brother, Reverend Tom Wright My; brother who is a Minister, when told of the vision that I'd seen, said to me, "Remember in the Old Testament the Ark of God was kept in a tent, and when the Spirit of the Lord would come into the tent; that kept the Ark of God, that tent would move up and down, as if it were breathing!" What a revelation of Gods power!" see GalacticOrdainedMinistries.Space
About the Author: Joy Renee' Blackburn, Minister and Founder of GOD'S HOUSE INTERNATIONAL In Lakeview, Ohio, says, I was born during the Depression in Springfield, Ohio, to wonderful parents who had a Christian background. I had two sisters; and we were born two years apart. Dad and mom quit going to church but they would insist that we girls go. They didn't quit all at once, they would attend during the holidays or if we had a part in the Christmas plays. That was expected of any "good parent." Yet, at the age of 11, my mother and father divorced. We girls were never around to hear them argue, so the divorce was quite a jolt. Dad kept my middle sister and me, and our youngest sister went to Texas with mother and grandmother for a short time. We had several babysitters, but none worked out, so Dad took us to St. Mary's of the Springs School for Girls. Charles Lee Emerson; Minister, spent 50 years in business while serving The Lord Jesus Christ in ministry at the same time. On September 5, 2006 Jesus called Charles to take "Exclusive Rights" to go to the people and investigate and write books to document Signs, Wonders, and Miracles that He is doing right now. The Book of Acts was just a start of what God is doing. Today He is very busy, but we have not seen anything yet! Daily Signs, Wonders and Miracles are taking place at a phenomenal pace and God told Charles they would continue to increase in intensity until Jesus comes! Charles has traveled to Alaska, Cambodia, Canada, Guam, Japan, Vietnam and Wake Island. In recent years, Charles has traveled the US and Canada. God has opened his eyes to the lack in many churches. Many people today are simply "Playing Church." They are under a "Curse of Religious Spirits" or "Religiosity." Charles ministers in churches, in speaking engagements and in his writings to impart the end-time truth that "God is who He says He is!" And "God will do what He said He will do!" The purpose of this writing is to prove "WHO GOD IS." Charles has written many poems published on the World Wide Web. They are married and live in a home at Indian Lake, Lakeview, Ohio USA. They have five wonderful Sons and has gained five wonderful Daughters plus thirty-seven wonderful Grand and Great-Grand Children. Amen. Hallelujah! THE VILLAGE CARPENTER WORLD WIDE MINISTRIES, PUBLISHING HOUSE, BIBLE SCHOOL, OS PUBLISHING, ME SHED CHURCH and GALACTIC ORDAINED MINISTRIES at GOD'S HOUSE INTERNATIONAL, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA see TheVillageCarpenter.info