About the Book
This provocative new Secular Bible debunks and promotes rethinking all societies fundamental religious mythologies, including the very word and concept of God. It does this with a new eclectic, integral, spiritually-based, knowledge of science. This secular Bible obliterates existing mythologies, one by one, revealing present threats our evolutionary development, while simultaneously severing mythology from religion. Religion is revealed with new illumination, revealing spirituality compatibility with science, but not mythology. This Bible better serves all contemporary societies, replacing all religious faiths with new laws that are verifiable through knowledge, science, and reason.This new wisdom is called 'Evolutionary Pantheism, ' presented in a familiar format with a new myth-free set of personal Commandments, a new Creed, and a new personal mission statement. These new insights derive from an evolutionary merging of the best knowledge produced by eastern and western minds, separating valid spiritual intelligence and rational knowledge from their ancient false religious myths. This revelation basis is science, not false prophets spinning their mythologies.Mythologies false spin includes the story of the Illuminati, which this book pays homage. The story is told from its original historical perspective, separated from contemporary church inspired mythologies. It is told by some of the United States founding fathers at the dawn of the Enlightenment. These historical records verify the Illuminati was only seeking rational freethinking illumination. It was forced into secrecy in Europe by state-run churches, burdened by tyrannical monarchies controlled by the Catholic Church. Beyond religion, this conversation explores and explains philosophy and social sciences from a broad, eclectic, growing understanding. Reason, observation, and experience are used to delve into the natural laws of this Universe. Complex concepts are simplified and explained by the workings of cause and effect in the natural world as it continues to evolve. This new revelation sees science in a new light, through discussions on this Universe, time, evolution, and the human condition. Political discussions explore diversity, racism, multiculturalism, responsibility and rights, war, law, and justice from this new perspective. Self-development is explained integrally, building consensus through multiple disciplines revealing the truth, with evolutionary evidence guidance on developing your body, mind, spirit, and society.This new wisdom is called 'Evolutionary Pantheism', presented in a familiar format with a new myth-free set of personal Commandments, a new Creed, and a new personal mission statement. These new insights derive from an evolutionary merging of the best knowledge produced by eastern and western minds, separating valid spiritual intelligence and rational knowledge from their ancient false religious myths. This revelation is based on science, not revealed by false prophets spinning their mythologies.Beyond religion, this conversation explores and explains philosophy and social sciences from a broad, eclectic, growing understanding. Reason, observation, and experience are used to delve into the natural laws of this Universe. Complex concepts are simplified and explained by the workings of cause and effect in the natural world as it continues to evolve. This new revelation sees science in a new light, through discussions on this Universe, time, evolution, and the human condition. Political discussions explore diversity, racism, multiculturalism, responsibility and rights, war, law, and justice from this new perspective. Self-development is explained integrally, building consensus through multiple disciplines revealing the truth, with evolutionary evidence guidance on developing your body, mind, spirit, and society.