An amazing story of what God can do when we choose to trust in Him.
A must read!
Linda Davis spent the first part of her life making mistakes without counting the cost. She lived her life immersed in the world until she got to a place where she needed God and wanted Him to help her out of her problems.
She did not, however, want to get saved. Her life was out of control. She was possessed by demons and spirits that tormented her.
The truth she refused to face was that she hadn't gotten serious with God.
One day He delivered her and filled her with the Holy Spirit, and at the age of 70, she became the Spirit-filled warrior she is today.
This is Linda's story, how she found peace in the Father and let Him change her life for the better.
He saw in her what she could not, that she was a child of the King and had value in His eyes.
About the Author:
Linda doesn't pretend to be a preacher. She simply feels called to minister to people. She has a compulsion to show God's gracious love, His tender mercy, and His eternal salvation to everyone she meets.
Over the years, she has worked a number of jobs, among her favorites being a cashier at Brookside Open Air Market and Ralph's Supermarket. She loves to count money - other people's money, especially! Now retired, she enjoys attending the Senior Center in her hometown of Goldsboro, North Carolina, where she currently resides.
At a low point in her life, she cried out to God, asking Him what she could do to share His gospel with others. She found her answer amid the residents of the apartment building she called home.
Linda took on God's challenge, and she hasn't slowed down since.