About the Book
You have infinite power to make your life anything you want it to be--and you are SO screwing it up!It's not your fault. Nobody told you that you had infinite power, after all. Or how to use it. But Gregory Edward Flood is telling you now. And he's telling you how.
"I've read it three times... it's absolutely THE most useful spiritual book I've ever read. It's at the top of my list of favorite reads!" -JR, Facebook Review
Are you spiritual but not religious? And are you any good at it?You took that meditation class at your local community college. You friended the Dalai Lama on Facebook. You got your past lives read. (Wow! You used to be Cleopatra's handmaiden! Or were you high priest of Atlantis?) Once you decide to be SBNR, it's easy to get lost in Woo-Woo Land. But there's a big, beautiful spiritual universe out there for you to make sense out of. It's as mysterious as tractor and understanding It gives you power over your life and loves that you never saw coming. Your spirituality affects you finances, you love life and your health (whether you like it or not.)
In GOD: A USER'S MANUAL you'll learn: 1) What It is, what It does, how It works and how YOU can work It,
2) How to connect to the right partner (no matter what a train wreck your love life is) 3) How to have more money than you need (without committing a single crime), 4) How to get rid of a conflict (Yes, even THAT conflict) 5) How to heal your body of anything (Yes, even that)
This book is for the vast number of people who would like to have a spiritual life, but who are completely turned off by everything they're being offered: the tall tales, hate speech and morbid sexual aversion of religion and the outrageous antics of the New Age and New Pagan movements. 'I don't believe anything, ' he says. 'I either know something or I don't know it. Having faith is for suckers.'
You'll also learn: 1) You can't have a relationship with a Mystery,
2) Religious people don't know anything about God,
3) God doesn't care what you call It,
4) Believing isn't knowing,
5) Worship is blasphemy,
6) Christianity causes global warming,
7) Sweetness and light doesn't heal anything and
8) Prayers do get answered'if you know what you're doing
"This book was filled with answers that I have been looking for... My whole belief system has changed (360 degrees). Every one should expose themselves to the clarity defined in this book. Perfect!" [We're pretty sure they meant 180.] -Amazon Review
Gregory doesn't expect you to believe anything just because he told you so. In GOD: A USER'S MANUAL he shows you how to prove to yourself that what he's telling you is true. Every step of the way
And you'll also learn what's NOT true: 1) God's up there, you're down here (totally wrong),
2) God has a plan (there's no plan),
3) Really spiritual people don't judge anything (that's stupid!),
4) Some people are more spiritual than you are (impossible),
5) Poverty is virtuous (Sure, just ask a poor person),
6) Celibacy is virtuous (you're kidding, right?), and
7) Spiritual people act like Smurfs (so annoying)
To the newcomer this book will be a smart-mouthed, in-your-face blast of light, a sudden awakening to all the possibilities inherent in the spiritual life. To the long-time Truth student, it will bind all the disparate pieces of his or her understanding into a cohesive and organic whole.
"A book that annoyed me very much and I want to recommend enthusiastically." -White Crane Journal
"Love it or hate it. But read it first." 'Nick Alexander, A Different World
Buy it, read it, live by it. You're a fool if you don't.
About the Author: Gregory Edward Flood made his way through a wide variety of spiritual teachings over the years, trying to find one that didn't insult his intelligence. Raised in the Roman Catholic church he went on to Bible studies, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Tarot and psychic stuff; he studied Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and went on to become a TM-Siddha. He eventually abandoned all these approaches to Truth. After a refreshing period of atheism, Gregory was dragged, kicking and screaming, to his first New Thought meeting. He realized at once-however grudgingly-that he had found what he'd been looking for. He took his practitioner training with Religious Science International and served as a licensed Religious Science practitioner, devoting most of his attention and energies to the healing of AIDS. After publication of his first book, Gregory presented his dynamic and wildly entertaining seminars in major cities nationwide, and for three years served as the director of the Spiritual Science Foundation in Seattle, Washington. Gregory's life motto is: "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing." "I was introduced to New Thought when I was forcibly dragged to a Sunday service. I was then aimed at the book store and told to "go for it." This left me to piece together my understanding from here and there and the other. The Law of Attraction. The Science of Being Rich. This Thing Called You. And a gazillion books on love, love, love, love, love. I really could've used a book that gave me the whole teaching in one volume. I mean, it ain't rocket science. So, I wrote the book I wish I'd had: God: A User's Manual." - the author quoted in New Thought Magazine