1. Introduction
2. Brief Overview and History of Biotechnology; GMOs, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Functioning
3. Impact of GMOs on Environment and Ecology
4. GMOs: Impact on Genetic Diversity, Gene Flow, and Evolutionary Challenges
5. GM Crops and Agricultural Biodiversity; Impact on Agro-Ecosystem and Farmland Biodiversity
7. Biodiversity and Non-Target Effects of Transgenic Plants; GM Crops and Insect, Honeybee, Butterflies Biodiversity
8. GM Crops and Microbial Biodiversity; Impact on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
9. GM Animals: Impact on Biodiversity, Ecosystem, and Bioethical Analysis
10. Genetically Engineered Fish: Impact on Biodiversity, Environment, and Aquaculture 11. Genetically Engineered Insects: Ecological Effect and Disease Control
12. Genetically Modified Microbes: Impact on Ecology, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Functioning
13. Gene Editing Technology: Impact on Environment, Ecology, and Biodiversity
14. Engineered Gene Drives: Ecological, Environmental, and Social Impacts
15. Emerging Technologies and Application and Genetic Engineering for Biological Conservation, and Species Rescue from Extinction
16. Conclusion