GLUTEN FREE RECIPES Do you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? This book will show you just how tasty a gluten-free diet can be.
Maintaining a gluten-free diet is the only effective approach to prevent a gluten allergy or gluten enteropathy from further damaging the intestines.
While this may seem difficult at first, the benefits it brings to your health are invaluable. Excluding gluten from the diet is a natural and necessary approach to treating celiac disease. Unlike the conventional way of curing diseases, which is to take anti-biotic and pills, celiac disease cannot be treated even with a high dosage of such medicines.
Millions of people who suffer from celiac disease have ultimately found a solution to changing their lives forever by avoiding foods that contain gluten.
Try different recipes of foods without gluten in this book. Remember that diet, free of gluten, is not detrimental to your health. In fact, you can gain an advantage by it when you see this as an opportunity to maintain physical fitness. Living with gluten does not mean you have to sacrifice good tasting recipes anymore...
Gone are the days when gluten-free recipes were few in number. Fortunately, you can now find great tasting gluten free recipes in this boo.
About the Author: Do you want to be energetic in your life? feeling healthier?
Kirsten Yang is an holistic nutrition consultant and health educator specializing in traditional foods and preparation. She works predominantly with women, helping them find the freedom of health in their ever-changing bodies.
She has accumulated over 9 years of experience in the wellness field and has always been passionate about the healing power of mind, body and related diseases.
She currently lives in Arizona with her husband and daughter.