About the Book
Hi, ... I'm Goulash. Don't be alarmed, ... but I know what you're thinkin'. No, I'm not clairvoyant. A little off butt, ... I'm going to reveal your first question, before you even ask it. Yeah, ... I know what it is, ........ Why would this Moron be writing a book? Spooky huh? Everyone has hopefully grownup with fond memories and comical moments they'll never forget. They can be memories that just warm your heart, or make you feel so good you smile to yourself. It's the reason we enjoy certain songs of the past. It reminds us how we felt at the time. When we always had those, Good Vibrations. Then there's some stories you've told over and over again because they still crack you up so much, they make milk shoot out your nose, ... providing you're drinking milk of course. You could never duplicate them, or purposely direct the insanity, not that you should try. Most of our parents tried to teach us not to act like morons, but instead, to think of the consequences before we act. That's a great theory, but if you're old enough to be reading this, you should already know that's not the way things go all the time. If you don't know that, it's quite possible you're in this book, or should be. Thinking logically is especially difficult if you're in high school in the sixties, exposed to hot cars, boats, motorcycles, rock & roll, sports, girls or boys, girl and boy sports, not to mention hormones. Now consider that you're a member of your own teen age version of The Little Rascals. The Happy Days of Richie and Fonzie, on generic steroids, might not be far off. It's about the time in life, when even your parents began to accept that you need to try to make some decisions for yourself, and begin your adult education. Obviously the problem with that is you don't even have a semi adult education. This is a collection of short stories told in a semi chronological order starting in 1966. A lot of the knuckleheads you'll read about several times, so logically you should start at the front to acquaint yourself with the characters, the mood and the feel of the times, ... The Sixties. The Baby Boomer's Glory Days! Try the normal approach for a change. Later, you'll be able to pick it up and continue when you only have ten or fifteen minutes to kill, and prefer a little comic diversion instead of thinking about what you think you should be thinking about, ... if that's the way you think. Depending on where you locate your library, the length of the adventures are well suited for that non-productive time you spend on the throne during the day, ... or night I guess. Think of it as a source of relief, from top to bottom. Why not let reading about some of our crap, help you with yours? After you're acquainted with the Goulash Experience, you'll be able to let it lie around and go back to it as you would your favorite sitcom. In fact, that's what we should call it, "The printed accounts of some easily distracted Baby Boomers, as they experienced the Glory Days in wholesome, but knee slapping adventures that may cause projectile expulsions of recently ingested liquids from the proboscis, ... Sitcom." I like it! Might be a bit wordy butt, ... you get the point. If nothing else, you can use it for the therapeutic value, of which we've already discussed. What's that? Oh, ... now you want the answer to the question? Well, that's in the Book's Introduction, ... and actually I only promised the question. So, ... If you could use a grin, now and then, but feel the need to think of yourself as responsible, think about this book as a mental health investment. You'll be paying less than hundredths of a penny per grin. Think you could use one of them? I know I could, and some of these are almost worth a nickel so, ... that would make this a deal, ... especially during these grin scarce times. What have ya got to lose? Splurge a little! I promise you, ... It's gonna make ya feel good. Goulash, ... Out