Well-meaning Christians annually promise, "This year, I'll read the Bible through." So, why don't they often keep this important pledge to God and to themselves? Often they fall short because their devotional guide may not relate to their daily, sequential Bible study.
Authors Gene and Jean Phillips have remedied this in their book, Gleanings from God's Word, released in the summer of 2005 in its second edition by Hannibal Books. For each day's recommended, systematic Old Testament and New Testament readings, the Phillipses provide a central theme and key verse, along with a thoughtful, half-page devotional and sentence prayer on that theme.
The Phillipses, who served almost 50 years as Southern Baptist missionaries to three African countries, offer devotionals that are succinct and highly practical--ideal for today's busy lives. Their rich, contemporary stories (some from their dramatic years on the mission field) and useful insights make even the most tedious biblical passages--even the "begats"--relevant to a reader's daily walk.
Devotions speak of the Phillipses' dramatic rescue from abduction, the mental illness of one of the Phillipses' sons and the drug addiction of another, their busy-country living, threats throughout an era of African civil war, and tragic accidents--all incidents that tried them with more than any Christian could be expected to endure. Through it all, the Phillipses were sensitive to what God was teaching them and used every trial to grow in faith.
The Phillipses were appointed by the International Mission Board in 1956 as missionaries to Zimbabwe. After retirement, they returned to Lesotho and later Botswana, Africa, as mission volunteers. Jean's first book, Rescue describes the dependability of God's deliverance during their missionary years. Today they make their home in Camden, S.C.
Gleanings from God's Wordis endorsed by such prominent Evangelical leaders as Robertson McQuilkin, president emeritus of Columbia International University; Minette Drumwright, eminent speaker and writer on prayer and spiritual growth; B. Cralisle Driggers, executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention; and Dr. Cal Guy, retired professor of missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Renown prayer scholar T.W. Hunt wrote the foreword to the book.