Most of us want to be rich; we just aren't sure how to get there.Do we fake it till we make it? Do we work smarter, not harder? Do we quit our day job and pursue our dream? What if the answer to becoming rich doesn't lie in the answers to any of these questions, but instead lies in our ability to change our mindset and imitate the greats?
This book will show you just that: how to become rich by changing your mindset and by imitating men who are already rich. Give and Grow Rich has been designed so that you get maximum benefit in the least amount of time. Who has time to read more than 100 pages these days? Who would want to?
If you want quick solutions, no fluff, and no silly get-rich-quick techniques, then this book is for you. It's like Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," but condensed, and more tangible. The same wisdom distilled in a third of the time (and pages). The wisdom doesn't come from me alone, for I started out a poor man just like you.
To write this book, I interviewed 7 guys from 7 different income brackets, ranging from $20,000 per year to $1million per year. I asked each of them the same 15 questions, and as I listened to their answers, I saw the mindset trends between the poor, the middle, and the rich. Then, I read the biographies of 7 billionaires from 7 different sectors. Man, did I learn a lot. You'll learn a lot too.
Here's what you can expect:
- You will learn how the poor, middle, and rich think about money. You will learn how they spend, save, invest, and give.
- You will learn how your beliefs about money drive your actions.
- You will learn how two billionaires rose to the top, then gave it all away, and tried to die penniless.
- If you're a parent, you will learn how you can teach your kids the best money management techniques.
I benefited greatly from writing Give and Grow Rich, so I know you will benefit greatly from reading it. In fact, from the time I started writing the book, to the time I finished, my income doubled! I started thinking like a rich man, imitating rich men, and it is already benefiting me. The same is true for my friends who have implemented these lessons. One of them started out poor, the son of missionaries, and he is making nearly $200,000 per year. Another started out poor, the son of a single mom, and he is making $75,000 per year and has started two businesses. He's on his way to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)
So if you want a jam-packed, practical, no fluff guide to becoming rich, read this book.
Don't be the person who keeps repeating the past, who keeps spinning out in a financial rut. Don't think that the rich will always get richer and the poor will always get poorer. I am living proof that you can change your mind and change your income. You can imitate the greats and become great. My friends have done the same, and you can too.
Be the person who becomes a success story and inspires your community. Be the person who gets out of the financial woes and wills yourself to riches. Get rich, be rich, and stay rich.
Change your mind and change your money. GIVE AND GROW RICH.