Men never stop telling women how they should be - how to act, what to wear, and how to look. Then, adding insult to injury, they write books telling us what WE need to do, in order to get and keep a man. And I'm just sayin'... maybe Stave Harvey should have written a book titled "Act Like a Gentleman Think Like a Man."
But, is it men that are holding us back? Not completely...
We are told to plump this, pull that, suction there, burn it, hide it then highlight it, cut into our bodies, and insert foreign objects. All this for what?!? An unrealistic idea of beauty. And just in case you were not sure, the beauty industry is the biggest scam out there, preying on our insecurities. For change to occur, we must confront our own attitudes about ourselves, and stop listening to the rhetoric.
So, here it is... This is a book, written by a female for females, talking about who we naturally are. And let's face it, ladies, we really do not need a man for anything. But, it's nice to have one around. The question then becomes, how to have a successful relationship without giving up everything that we are, for our man.
It is time to STAND UP and grow a pair of boobs!
It is time we stop asking permission to be successful and then apologizing for it, when we are. It's time we flipped the script and became the majority in power positions and positions of authority. It is time he moved on over and let us take the driver's seat. Just in case you were not sure, the Vagina is the Holy Grail!
About the Author: Just a female with an opinion and something to say, just like you! A woman who has lived a life, with all its ups and downs. Sometimes, a life of joy and also times of trouble, who is now trying to do better. A female who wants you to make better choices and to NEVER put a man first.
I may not have all the answers, but I can ask the hard questions and I certainly know what NOT to do. Hopefully, after reading the stories and opinions in this book, you can be more successful at life and love, than I was. I am just one female, talking to other females, about what we can accomplish if we STAND UP together, even if we only agree on the basics.