Helen of Troy returns to rewrite history and clear her name. --With Victoria Embankment in flames and a serial killer on the loose, the killer perfume scare moves to a house in Balham. The dragnet closes on Felicity in Rio, but she escapes into the Amazon. As Blanka despairs, she is summoned to her home in New York, where strange visions ail her kid brother. Taking him to The Met, she meets Helen, now a refugee girl.
To the accompaniment of lyrics from REM, The Who and other rock 'n' roll greats, in TGWF, when the sky comes falling down, 'The Da Vinci Code' meets 'Brave New World, ' 'The Hunger Games' and '1984.'
These edge-of-your-seat, dystopian thrillers plunge you into a labyrinthine wonderland of spying and covert war, and deep inside the souls of a group of A.I.-enhanced women agents, on both sides of the fight, one of them a serial killer on the loose.
At the heart of these tales is the much misunderstood love story of two lovers, from a legendary Bronze Age past, who are reincarnated into a contemporary conflict between MI6, the CIA, the KGB, and a fourth, unknown, force. An alternate reality version of the Western World, TGWF synthesizes new age tech & music, political intrigue & murder, with satire, angels, Auschwitz, and an Einsteinian apocalypse.
-- Blanka was haunted by the death of her young mother, in ways she could barely acknowledge. Waking and sleeping, the vision of a woman plummeting from a castle window into a river consumed her. It was her mother falling from Castle Sant-Angelo--the Vatican Holy Inquisition Headquarters in Rome--into the River Tiber. Then, always, the dream voices chimed in. 'The daughter of Admiral William Virgil Maguire, was thrown in that filthy river like so much stinking garbage, ' a man's voice said. 'Who killed Kitty Maguire, John? MI6?' The voice was Bill Clinton, the American President at the time. In the dream, Blanka was clinging to her mother bobbing up and down in the river, but her mind was far away, obsessed with the voices in her head.
'It wasn't us, ' said another man, 'but it's complicated.' Blanka recognized him as John Deutch, the Director of the CIA. Deutch kept talking, muttering. 'It could have been the Fatima secret, we're not sure. We don't really know how big it was.'
'She is my mother and she's f***ing dead!' she screamed at the voices.
'She took it to her grave, ' Clinton said.
Then the voices fell silent, and Blanka was in the muddy water with her mother, desperately struggling to save her. 'I won't let you die, I won't let you die, ' she kept repeating to her. She was holding her, felt the cold of her wet blue dress over her swollen pregnant belly, saw the garrote wound round her throat.
'Ohzone is our program, and Hart is one of the good guys, ' Deutch's voice continued.
'Frankenstein was one of the good guys, ' replied Clinton. 'It's the Ohzone monsters I'm worried about.'