In this, the first book in the "Jack's Justice" series, retired Chicago Homicide Detective Jack Handler leads the charge to rescue Angel, a teenage friend of the family. She had been kidnapped by a psychopathic serial killer named William Holmes-Cumberbatch. Jack is joined in the hunt by his daughter Kate (a New York City homicide detective), his two teenage foster boys (Red and Robby), Angel's mother, and Buddy (the boys' golden retriever). During the course of his search Jack uncovers the kidnappers' fiendish secret--a homemade, but very effective, WMD (weapon of mass destruction).
These are some of the comments made regarding previous Jack Handler books: Top Shelf Murder Mystery--Riveting. Being a Murder-Mystery "JUNKIE" this book is definitely a keeper ... can't put it down ... read it again type of book ... and it is very precise to the lifestyles in Upper Michigan. Very well researched. I am a resident of this area. His attention to detail is great. I have to rate this book in the same class or better than authors Michael Connelly, James Patterson, and Steve Hamilton. -- Shelldrakeshores
Being a Michigan native, I was immediately drawn to this book. Michael Carrier is right in step with his contemporaries James Patterson and David Baldacci. I am anxious to read more of his work. I highly recommend this one! -- J. Henningsen
A fast and interesting read. Michael ends each chapter with a hook that makes you want to keep reading. The relationship between father and daughter is compelling. Good book for those who like a quick moving detective story where the characters often break the "rules" for the greater good! I'm looking forward to reading the author's next book. -- Flower Lady
Move over, Patterson, I now have a new favorite author, Jack and his daughter make a great tag team, great intrigue, and diversions. I have a cabin on Sugar Island and enjoyed the references to the locations. I met the author at Joey's (the real live Joey) coffee shop up on the hill, great writer, good stuff. I don't usually finish a book in the course of a week, but read this one in two sittings so it definitely had my attention. I am looking forward to the next installment. Bravo. -- Northland Press