Yesterday, the Ghepard Gang was simply trying to stop the Duebad Gang from wreaking havoc in the city.
Today, while rescuing an old lady from the Duebads, they ended up with her statue.
Now, weird things are happening. Weird things that may change the balance of everything in this town. . .
Uh-hem, I'm not sure what to call this, is it like a blog, or journal-no Char, it's not a diary. What about a podcast? Would that make me a Pod-Caster? Naw, that sounds like a veggie tosser. Maybe I should say something like, "Space log, stardate 12507-3, this is gang historian Hughbert-" ow! Ok, ok, Char, you don't have to hit me.
As the new Historian of the Ghepard Gang, it's my duty to report the doings of the gang as I see them. Of course, I'm supposed to be truthful in my record-keeping since it is for posterity and blah ba-da-blah. Wow, that sounded like a hip-hop song-ow! I know, Char, focus.
Char is the member of the gang that's supposed to keep my record truthful and keep me from wandering. We hope to publish our history, somehow the world needs to know what we've been through--even though they'll never believe it. I don't blame them, I lived through it and I still can't believe it.
Still, it's not my job to convince you, only share our story. You can decide what to do with it from there . . .