Do you have trouble making choices sometimes? Have you heard of Human Design? It's a new personality assessment tool for helping you find easier ways to make decisions each and every day! And it's unique to you!
Or are you looking for a new way to understand your energy and how you're wired? To understand yourself? And your family, friends and co-workers, too?
Or perhaps you're looking for a way to be more authentic and find your passion?
"Getting to Know YOU: Embrace your Unique Blueprint and make Decisions you Love and Trust" (including a free audio book) is a Human Design Guidebook for you, if you're wanting to get from Point A to Point B without fear. It's a primer on Human Design - no jargon, no woo-woo, no fairy dust!
Think about it: What is your life like when it's hard to make decisions and each time you do, you worry about the outcomes? Are you still looking for the answers? After all the courses, webinars, books and more, do you still feel like you're searching? If you're unhappy, discontented, stressed or let down by your choices over time, then you're in the right place.
Early praise for "Getting to Know You"
- "Getting to Know YOU" is a must read. Karen has a fun, practical and engaging way of introducing you to your unique blueprint that will help you play life on your terms as you learn to make decisions you can trust and subsequently get what you want. "
- "This book had a lightness to it that I hadn't originally felt when I first heard about Human Design. The terms and jargon can feel heavy, but this had a light feel that allowed me to get back into it and smooth out some of the concepts I was confused about...
- "Conversationally written, the author offers that all-important support to the reader--she gives you the confidence to try new things! She's telling you her story and leading you to recognize yours in an intimate, trusting, thought-provoking setting. She explores questions common to all of us--and provides the answers! This is a "how-to" book and then some."
- "Getting to Know YOU" is one of the most refreshing books written on Human Design! Karen takes a complex, dense topic and brings it to life, explaining in practical and clear terms how knowing your unique Human Design can forever improve your life. Thank you, Karen!"
You'll happily find the answers to self-awareness within this book and discover how it can help you with the most annoying challenges in your Career, Relationships, Parenting, Health and even your Spirituality.
In a caring and informative way, without the jargon, Karen will help you understand that the Principles of Human Design apply to all of us. We're all perfectly designed, and we each have a purpose to fulfill. Once you realize how unique you are and how you interact with others, the subtle distinctions of Human Design allow you to discover your authentic self and see all your relationships in a new way-with all your questions answered!
"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him find it within himself." Galileo Galelei
Don't wait another day! Get the book to get started on your path today!
Find the answers you're looking for within "Getting to Know YOU"!