This book is for anyone looking to get an ex back. May it be your ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-wife, ex-husband or an ex-fiancé. May it be a straight relationship or a gay relationship. If you just broke up, and are thinking about winning your ex back, you will find this book helpful and enlightening.
However, if you are looking to get your ex-lover back, I recommend you check read out this book from the beginning to the last page with a game plan more focused on winning your ex-lover back.
Winning your ex back isn't really the hard part. The hard part is keeping them. After all, they left you once, what is to stop them from leaving you again? What is the point of getting your ex back if you can't keep them PERMANENTLY? When you get your ex back, you want them committed to making it work this time.
My goal is to provide the necessary consultancy, training, and connections to help you through a painful breakup and hopefully get your ex back. I can, however, guarantee that if you follow this plan, your chances of getting your ex back will increase significantly. I am here to help you through this painful breakup and hopefully get your ex back. I say hopefully because I can't guarantee you that you will get your ex back. No one can guarantee that. If they say they can, they are lying.
After Reading this Book Winning your ex back isn't really the hard part. The hard part is keeping them. After all, they left you once, what is to stop them from leaving you again? What is the point of getting your ex back if you can't keep them PERMANENTLY? When you get your ex back, you want them committed to making it work this time.
This book will teach you how to win your ex back and keep them permanently.
I am here to help you through this painful breakup and hopefully get your ex back. I say hopefully because I can't guarantee you that you will get your ex back. No one can guarantee that. If they say they can, they are lying. I can, however, guarantee that if you follow this plan, your chances of getting your ex back will increase significantly.
It's important to have a plan to follow, because after a breakup you are hurt, emotionally drained, and most of all, confused. And during this state of confusion, you are bound to make a lot of mistakes that will actually hurt your chances of getting back together.
I have seen people make these mistakes over and over again (in my two three four five years of experience helping people with breakups).
Having a plan gives you a sense of direction and removes all the confusion. A plan will give you something to look forward to when you are feeling down and unsure about yourself. A plan will give you hope. This book is that plan.
This book includes case studies and more details about specific situations. This book is quite long. I highly recommend you read the entire book because it will not only help you understand what you should do but also why you should do it.
Dating and relationship skills are not what we're born with, it's something that can be learnt!