Get a Bigger, Firmer Butt in Only 21 Days!
Do you want a butt that looks great in any pair of jeans? Do you want to be able to put on shorts or a bikini and not think twice about what your rear looks like in them? If you are a woman, then you probably answered yes to both of those questions.
Having a great looking toosh can do a makeover on a woman's self-esteem. She feels fit, young, and ready for anything. If you think that fantastic looking butts can only be found on the backsides of women like Jennifer Lopez or Beyoncé, then you just do not understand how they got theirs in the first place.
The Key to a Shapelier Booty
It is true that genetics will play a large role on how your butt turns out, but it does not have to stop there. If you want your butt to be thicker, firmer, or even perkier, then the key to achieving this can be found within Rachel Howe's illustrated workout guide. He or she has put together a 5 tip workout plan that holds all the secrets you will ever need to get your butt in the best shape of your life.
This guide combines power moves, plyometric training, and weight exercises to make sure that your butt is constantly in a workout rotation. These exercises include,
- Jumping
- Bouncing
- Squats
- Lunges
- Combinations of exercises and with the additional benefit of using barbells and dumbbells
How Will These Exercises Impact Your Butt Size and Shape?
As Rachel demonstrates women like Beyoncé have great derrieres because they are dancers. Dancing creates a series of " power moves " that are constantly impacting different areas of the butt. This means that their butt muscles or glutes are never reaching a leveling off point, but are instead getting different focuses of intensity so they will continue to tighten and increase in size to be able to handle the workouts applied on them.
Power moves in combination with plyometric training is the top way to create a diverse workout for your butt. This means that it will be applied 3 times a week, but different intense methods will be used each time. Rachel works with you to build a starting workout that will rotate which muscles in your butt along with your thigh muscles, calves, knees, and ankles are being impacted. She will help you build up the strength in your butt in 21 days, after that you will have all the knowledge necessary to build onto your butt workout routine all on your own.
Save Money on Trainers and Gym Memberships
Any of these exercises can be done inside a gym, but more importantly you can do them from inside your own home. Also, if you start feeling cramped in your house, feel free to take this workout on the road. These exercises and tips do wonders for your butt when performed outside using natural obstacles. You will also find that you will never get bored when it comes to making your butt look fabulous.
SPECIAL BONUS: Beautiful Body Essentials This is an exclusive publisher bonus available for our readers only, in this book, you will learn:
- Exercise Basic
- Set your goal and stick to it
- Get your exercise plan together
- Make sure to warm up
- Incorporate cardio training
Don't put it off! Get your copy TODAY!
About the Author: Rachel Howe is a personal trainer, author and competitive triathlete from California. She holds a master of science degree in exercise and sport science in addition to a number of fitness industry certifications and accreditations. She has one daughter and a loving husband. She is an healthy eating enthusiast and her spare time she can often be found either cooking, jogginh, hiking or cycling with the family.