Birgit, eine junge Juristin, kommt regelmäßig in ihrer Mittagspause ins nahegelegene Lokal, weil das Tagesmenü gut, ausgiebig und preiswert ist. Aber Felix, der neue junge Kellner auch in ihrem Alter, der Birgit bedient, ist alles andere als ein geschickter Kellner: Er vergisst ihre Bestellung, bringt oft die falsche Bestellung oder bringt sie überhaupt mit großer Verspätung. Was Birgit natürlich verärgert, weil ihre Pause kurz ist. Aber aus anfänglichem Zanken und geladener Spannung entwickelt sich bald etwas Unerwartetes. - Die zweite Kurzgeschichte von Klara Wimmer, die die Handlung jetzt in Wien angesiedelt hat. Und zur Kurzgeschichte gibt es noch ein nettes Extra: die Liste der österreichischen Kaffeespezialitäten, die man in einem traditionellen Wiener Kaffeehaus bestellen kann.
Birgit, a young lawyer, regularly comes to the nearby restaurant during her lunch break because the daily menu is good, extensive and inexpensive. But Felix, the new young waiter even at her age, who serves Birgit, is anything but a skilful waiter: he forgets her order, often brings the wrong order, or even brings it late. Which of course annoys Birgit, because her break is short. But from initial quarrelling and charged tension, something unexpected soon develops. - The second short story by Klara Wimmer, who has now set the plot in Vienna. And there is another nice extra to the short story: the list of Austrian coffee specialities that can be ordered in a traditional Viennese coffee house.
Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series
Explore the latest short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources.
Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency.
For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage.