Allow your students to discover George Orwell's iconic tale, Animal Farm, through this specially adapted play designed for students studying English as a foreign language (EFL). This engaging theatrical version serves as an ideal introduction to Orwell's original novella, preserving all the key ideas that make it a timeless classic. With separate study questions for each act, this book offers five complete lessons that delve into the themes and language of Animal Farm, accompanied by answers at the back. Derived from international English examinations, the study questions cater to students at different proficiency levels, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
"Animal Farm: A Play for English Language Learners" opens the door to the world of Orwell's captivating allegory, enabling EFL students to appreciate its powerful themes and master the English language simultaneously. Designed to ignite curiosity and foster critical thinking, this adapted play provides a solid foundation for those seeking to explore the original novella.
The play faithfully captures the essence of Orwell's narrative, preserving its key ideas, characters, and events. You'll encounter the struggles of the animals on Manor Farm and their pursuit of a utopian society. Through engaging dialogue and vivid scenes, the play brings the story to life, enabling you to connect with the characters and understand the underlying social and political commentary.
Each of the five acts is accompanied by study questions, carefully designed to facilitate comprehension and encourage deeper analysis. These questions are derived from international English examinations, including KS3 Cambridge, GCSE, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, and 'A' Level Literature examinations. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced English language learner, the study questions cater to your proficiency level, allowing you to progress at your own pace.
With answers provided at the back of the book (Teacher Version), you can assess understanding and track progress.