About the Book
This publication is the result of over three years of field exploration and it represents the most current knowledge about the regional geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the ophiolitic belts in Guatemala which are located within the Motagua Suture Zone in Central Guatemala. While my main objective was to study the Ni-bearing laterites in the area, I also wanted to study the geological evolution of the ophiolitic belts that host these laterite deposits. This publication incorporates information previously disclosed in other field guides written by me. It also includes a more complete stratigraphic section and updated geological information. All field names of the units have been changed to proper petrographic-identified terminology, and I also included new description points for the field guide. As always, I would like to acknowledge the influence that this publication had from the field trip guidebook prepared by G. Giunta et al. (2002), as well as from The Preliminary Stratigraphic Lexicon for North and Central Guatemala compiled by S. A. Millan (1985). I combined information from these milestone works with my personal experiences in the mapping of the area and that of Oscar Pinzón, Julio Roberto Pérez, and other geologists from the Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines. This publication has also benefit from discussions with several geologists and consultants that have visited the area over the last three years, like Velasquez Spring, Gorden Glenn, Michael Hitch, Jim Steel, Rob Callander, John Redstone, Lineu Saboia, Petronila Ronze, Marcelo Albuquerque, Divino Fernando Fleury, and Cesar Ferreiro, just to mention a few.
About the Author: As a professional geologist with thirty-two years in the mining industry, I have extensive geological, geochemical, and mining experience, managerial skills, and a solid background in research techniques, and training of technical personnel. I am fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Russian. I have been involved in various projects worldwide (Canada, Africa, Russia, Indonesia, the Caribbean and Central and South America). Projects included from regional reconnaissance to local mapping, diamond drilling and RC-drilling programs, open pit and underground mapping and sampling, geochemical sampling and interpretation, and several exploration techniques pertaining to the search for diamonds, PGM, gold, nickel, silver, base metals, industrial minerals, oil & gas, and other magmatic, hydrothermal, porphyritic, VMS and SEDEX ore deposits. Special strengths are related to acquisition of new properties, geochemical and geological studies, management and organization, geomathematical analysis and modeling, compositional data analysis, structural studies, database design, QA&QC studies, exploration studies and writing technical reports. P.Geo. registered in the province of Ontario. Main location: 1008-299 Glenlake Ave, Toronto, ON, M6P 4A6, Canada Other contacts- cell: +1-416-294-3896, vallsvg@gmail.com, Skype: vallsgeoconsultant@hotmail.com, ooVoo: vallsvg.