Across the globe, many stakeholders have been playing critical roles in conflict resolution. The women folk have also been deeply involved in rather unique ways to ensure conflict resolution In many cases, Women are often disproportionately affected by conflicts and constitute the major casualties. As such, through their active involvement in conflict resolution, women tend to be fully aware of issues faced by women in their communities and are uniquely positioned to address them This book Gender, Women and Conflict Resolution x-rays the fact that Conflict could be functional and dysfunctional. This is to say that while conflict always carries a negative connotation, it may not always be negative or violent.
The talent and the zeal to write combined to produce this book. The book creates a new horizon in the management bof conflict by identifying women as enablers of conflict and can also help in its peaceful resolution.
Gender, Women and Conflict Resolution equally discusses issues of direct relevance to conflict resolution in many societies. It highlights the roles women can play in resolving conflicts if they are mainstreamed in the conflict resolution process. It documents the experiences of women as victims of conflicts, perpetrators of and actors in conflict as well as instruments of conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
I am confident that this book will be very useful to students and scholars of conflict studies, security experts, government officials and leaders of different organizations at various levels. This confidence or even optimism is borne out of my conviction that the author is knowledgeable on the subject matter under discourse. This book is therefore a must read for concerned intellectuals and a master piece for those who accept the intellectual tradition that every published work is a fountain of knowledge no matter how limited the knowledge exploit might be.
Professor Dappa Tamuno-Omi Godwin,
March, 2021.
Conflict affects women and men differently. Women are often disproportionately affected by conflicts and constitute the major casualties. Beyond this, they are enablers of conflict and can also help in its peaceful resolution. Despite this triple role of women in conflict, women across the globe continue to be relegated to the background in conflict resolution efforts with formal conflict resolution processes adopting a gender neutral approach. This book is an attempt to provide insights into the roles women can play in resolving conflicts if they are mainstreamed in the conflict resolution process. It documents the experiences of women as victims of conflicts, perpetrators of and actors in conflict as well as instruments of conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
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