Are you still dealing with the aftereffects of an abusive relationship?
Many individuals do, and unfortunately, there is very little information accessible online, in the written study, or with counselors and therapists that can assist. The Gaslight Effect is not formally acknowledged nor commonly understood.
Even when illness is acknowledged, recognized, and understood, few individuals seem to know what to do to repair it... Being in a long-term relationship with a narcissist has long-term traumatic repercussions that may be incredibly devastating to the one suffering from them.
Do any of the following symptoms ring a bell?
- Having doubts about yourself and your sanity
- Feeling as if you're losing your mind Feeling as if you're constantly apologizing
- You doubt your memories.
- Feeling as if you aren't good enough or Feeling as if you are misunderstood
- Are you feeling lonely?
- harmed self-esteem
- Excessive weight loss or gain
- Unusual jealousy and insecurity
- Feeling as though you don't know what is right and wrong?
- Paranoia to the extreme (being turned into an obsessive detective)
- Endless, repeated obsessive thinking about your ex Constantly seeking reasons for what has occurred
- Despair and feelings of helplessness
- A desire to withdraw oneself Feeling misunderstood
- The list continues....
"No one comprehends!" I often hear this exasperated scream from abused individuals.
Gaslighting is an aggressive tacit method of warping another person's perspective of reality to the extent that they doubt their sanity or recall.
Gaslighting induces insanity by leading you to believe that you are insane.
Gaslighting is a method of concealing abuse.
Gaslighting is deception with a purpose.
The goal of gaslighting is to make you believe you're insane or that your memory isn't working correctly. As a result, you can't trust yourself or your impressions of reality.
This implies you'll defer to the abuser for an account of what's true, and the abuser will gradually gain influence over your life.
Gaslighting occurs in intimate partnerships, such as one-on-one relationships. It happens in friendships, families, and workplaces; you will witness gaslighting on the news; you will hear gaslighting from politicians, corporate shills, cult leaders, advertising campaigns, and so on.
What you will discover:
- Top ten indicators you're being deceived by gaslighting
- There are 80 things that narcissists say when they are gaslighted.
- Six powerful strategies for disarming a narcissist and regaining control
- How to Avoid Psychological Manipulation
- How to Handle the Consequences of Gaslighting
- How Narcissists Make Use of Smart Devices
I can't promise that reading this book will be a "total cure." Still, I can promise that if you apply yourself diligently, take notes, read and re-read the sections, and follow all instructions to the letter, you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours and should see huge improvements within the first three days.
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