Embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant world of plants, consumers, and decomposers. In this delightful comic, a curious science class immerses themselves in the wonders of energy flow within an ecosystem, all set amidst the backdrop of their school garden.
Join our young explorers as they uncover the secrets of plant growth, unravel the mysteries of decomposition, and delve into the intricate web of ecosystem interactions. From the essential needs of plants to the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers, every page bursts with interesting facts to discover.
This book covers key standards such as Ecosystem Interactions, Energy Transfer, and Biodiversity, serving as a valuable resource for educators and learners. Whether used in the classroom, your bedtime story routine, or as part of independent study, The Garden empowers young minds to draw upon multiple sources of information and harness multimedia components to enhance their learning experience.
This comic was created to engage children in learning about energy flow in a garden ecosystem and what plants need to grow.
Topics covered
What do plants need to grow?
Ecosystem Interactions
Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers
Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores
Garden Propagation
Maryland State Science Standards covered in this comic
5-LS2-1 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamic
LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
LS2.C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans
This book is a resource to support additional learning in
RI.5.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to quickly locate an answer to a question or solve a problem efficiently. (5-LS2-1)
SL.5.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. (5-LS2-1)